First "real" buck with a gun

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Can you believe it? I counted out that I have taken 22 deer in about 15 years of hunting, 17 of those with a gun, and I've never been able to get a buck. Of the six deer I've taken with a bow 3 of them were bucks. What are the odds? Anyway, I've broken the curse. I finally got one. It's only a 4 point but it's a nice deer and the rack looks like it should be a 6 or even 8 but he forgot to grow the extras.

Sorry no pics:o
Congrats! It can take a while but it sounds like you're doing a good job filling the freezer either way. Hope your luck continues.
My first buck was a "massive" 4 pointer and he's actually mounted and on my wall.

I got one of those too ;) Everyone told me I was crazy paying that kind of money for a shoulder mount for a measly 4 pointer.......

Stayed up there for years until my big 8-pointer took his place :D
I know the feeling. I've only ever gotten two, my first a button buck when I was 14 and then a 4 pointer a few years ago. I'm not sure when I might get another since they changed the rules for the county and bucks are only legal if they have at least 4pts on one side. I had a nice 6 pointer at 25 yrds away yesterday and had to let him walk.

Grats on your buck :)

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We've had a pretty good year, in spite of my missing 3 times by 1) misjudging distance, 2)hitting a 1/16 inch twig, 3) hitting a 2inch tree I tried to miss by a whisker, all with the bow.

Since then my party has taken 5 deer. 3 doe, my 4-point and a 6-point. I let 8 doe walk right by me yesterday. Nobody would answer on the radio. I don't have anymore doe tags so I was trying to get somebody to respond that I should fill theirs. Turned out OK though, my cousin shot the 6 about 3 minutes later and would (in all likelyhood) not have had the chance if I had shot the doe.

We're having fun and shooting a few, that's what it's all about to me.