First range trip with the Mosin


New member
So tomorrow I'll be taking my first range trip with my new Mosin! Question for you guys, I know I need to pour some hot water down the barrel when I'm done so that the salts dissolve, is it best to pour it down the receiver end so as not to get it on the wood?

I take it I should also bring some dry patches to run down the barrell?
So tomorrow I'll be taking my first range trip with my new Mosin! Question for you guys, I know I need to pour some hot water down the barrel when I'm done so that the salts dissolve, is it best to pour it down the receiver end so as not to get it on the wood?

I take it I should also bring some dry patches to run down the barrell?

If you are using corrosive primer ammo you will need to neutralize the salts. This can be done with water and a soap detergent. You can also use a strong ammonia based window cleaner. After cleaning with soap and water then run dry patches through the bore until completely dry. If you are going to store for any length of time it is a good idea to coat the barrel with a thin coat of gun oil.

You are swabbing the bore with patches soaked with either solvent (for either corrosive or non corrosive ammo depending on the type you are using) or soap and water or ammonia based window cleaner, You do not pour anything down the bore.
Thanks for the clarification! I've had two people tell me to pour water down the barrel now, that always seemed fishy to me.
Thanks for the clarification! I've had two people tell me to pour water down the barrel now, that always seemed fishy to me.

As used in the field, water only would have been better than nothing. It is important to neutralize corrosive salts soon after firing but can wait until you get it home from the range.

Have fun shooting!
Here is how I clean mine at the range. I shoot corrosive ammo exclusively in my 91-30.
When I am done shooting I remove the bolt. Then run a barrel wet barrel mop with some dish soap on it through the barrel. I then use a transmision funnel placed into the chamber end and pour hot water though. I then run a patch with a touch of the dishsoap on it through a few times. I then rinse again with hot water from a thermous. I then run a few dry patches through till they come out dry. I then clean as I would any other rifle.
The process adds about 5 minutes to the cleaning time. So far I have no rust in my rifle.