First rabbits of the season

Years ago, we killed a lot of "young" rabbits. The 2/3 grown ones were the best eating rabbits. While mowing hay, they were fairly easily killed using a 2' long stick or the old style John Deere wrench(about 15" long). Thrown horizontally to ground level, it stunned the rabbit long enough to reach it and pull the head off. A couple of those knocked off just before noon, cleaned, and fried for lunch tasted pretty good.
Not purposely hunting them for food. But their numbers sure increased this year in this local. Garden although fenced with rabbit proof fencing is not much of a challenge in stopping those little buggers. Little guys are eating everything but the matters this year. Have only managed to get one picking of lettuce in over a month for ourselves. 22 CB caps seem to be working well ~~~I think? Only time in history has my rifle been purposely targeted at 50 feet w/CCI Cb Cap ammo.
I see them culprits everyday in that Sacred Patch of Land in the back yard. But only manage bagging 2 hoppy's a week so far. Gett'in old I guess. Last one bagged cost me 5 shots over a three day span. Three shots in one day alone. Funny how I punched holes in every plant around him. But not him or perhaps it was a her. Even chipped shot one of the wife's green bean plant down slings lead at that long eared animal. Which by the wasn't appreciated by the Mrs. And she commented: "maybe is time for me to hang the rifle on the wall and get us a kitty." Oh!!~~~that only made me more determined after hearing that sleight of tongue. So here I am sitting out on the back yard deck with a laptop and my trusty model Rem 582 22 rifle loaded to the hilt with CB caps and laid on the table in front of me to prove I'm still capable. But so far got no help from the never ending bunny supply w-harehouse. Bingo!! I see one.~~~ Da_ _ it!! missed again. I need a bigger scope on this thing!!_:mad:
Couple weeks ago, walking the dog, I felt a tug on the leash and turned to see his head in a patch of deep grass with four bunnies running in different directions and a fifth in his mouth.

Looks like I may have a hunting puggle.;)