Here is my general advice:
First dont take concealment advice from people who dont live in hot, humid climates. They generally recommend things that are too bulky to conceal under light weight summer clothes in the deep south.
Second, you really need 2 guns.
One of these should be for very deep concealment, and for that I would recommend the Keltec P32. You can get it for a little more than $200. For that price, if the finish gets a little banged up or crusty with carry (and it will in a humid climate), who cares? You can put one of these in a pocket holster, and it will conceal just like your wallet. There is no excuse to be unarmed if u have a P32. Some will throw off on the 32 ACP, but it is a whole lot better than the 45 you left at home because it was too big to conceal. As long as you have at least a pair of shorts on, you can conceal a P32.
The other gun I would recommend is the FULL SIZE auto of your preference. The particular brand, type, and style should be whatever you prefer. You are really very unlikely to go wrong with any of the major manufacturers, and all of them will conceal about the same.
You will find many people who would recommend a mid-size gun, like a mini Glock, or a Kahr, or a compact 1911. A lot of people think these guns are easy to conceal, but I have found that a mid size gun conceals no easier for me than a full size gun, and has the disadvantage of a short barrel, short grip, and sometimes less capacity. In general they are harder to shoot well, and less comfortable to shoot also. Under a coat or jacket, a full size gun can be concealed as well as a mid size gun.
Now tell me this edsel, which restaurant are u a chef at down there?