'First lead of March


New member
I got a late start today (dealing with a transmission) and didn't get outside til nearly dark, but I did get a butter tub of these cast up. NOE 358429 HPs.
I left the pot outside and plan to hit it again at first light. :)

And I got this used Lyman 45 that I wanted to try out, so I boiled it out tonight and if I get it all put back together,;) I'm gonna lube em up with TAC#1 and see how it does. Whoever had it before me was using Lyman bullet lube in it, which is a thick black sticky stuff and really was a chore to boil out. The wife isn't too particularly happy with the stove area right now. :rolleyes:
See there, you need to go ahead and send me that other ol piece of tired iron, now that ya got the PC going so good and that almost new Lyman there, your runnin outta room. :eek:

I know what your talking about on the clean out. I was doing that with the Seaco I got yesterday. Luckily for me though it looked and smelled like Alox or similar lube in it so it just needed a bit of mineral spirits. I did have to order a new plunger for it though, and it should be here next week along with a couple of new molds to try out.

In fact one of them is a 4C Lyman 358429, and the other is a 2C Lyman 429421. I also have a Lyman 4C 358477 that i am going to heat up this morning. The funny thing is, up until about June of last year, I probably hadn't shot 5 rounds through any of my 357's. Now I probably have more molds in that caliber than any of the rest. I'll just have to sort through them and figure out which ones I like the best and cull some.......;)
I got this one so now I'll have a sizer in .357, .45 and .30-30 set up and ready.
And.... I'll also have each loaded with BAC, CR or TAC#1, and I have all size dies for each, so I can use all 3 lubes in every caliber with only a die swap. :D

And I do want to upgrade the plunger for this one. If you'll notice in the pic, it still has the original brass one. I think the new double-rubber gasket model is only about 5 bucks.

Powdercoating is great, but until I get a garage, I gotta rely on perfect weather to do it, and with Spring coming soon (I hope), I can now lube in any weather.

If you wanna come over here and build me a garage, we'll talk seriously about me giving you all 3 sizers and a shoebox full of dies! ;)
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If you wanna come over here and build me a garage, we'll talk seriously about me giving you all 3 sizers and a shoebox full of dies!

Oh yea you bet, just head on out and stake out where ya want it, chill a cooler full of drinks, and I'll be right up. :D

On the serious side of things, I got couple questions for ya,

On those 429's you poured up. I know you said they were of the HP variety, but have you done any shooting of them yet? Any alloy in particular you used on them?

Also do you have solid version, or pin for that mold, and if so have you done any testing with it? What alloy did you use for them?

I'm only asking as you have probably poured up more 357's than I have so far anyway. I haven't messed with a whole lot in regards to the alloys since I WAS only interested in pouring up the DEWC's and the MP 359640's. For those I have the alloy just right.

That said, I now have not only the above mentioned molds, either in hand or on the way, but I also have this one as well in the 140gr GC version,
H&G #12
Plus a couple of Lee 2 and 6 cavity ones.

I'm hoping to get something worked up with the GC versions that will give me some halfway decent expansion. Thing is, not only do I have several revolvers chambered in 38 or 357, but I also have at least three barrels for my Contender for 357 as well.
I have shot the 358429s with the big HP pin, alloyed with isotope, but it just blows the nose off. The penta and the cup point are 50/50, but I have not shot any of these. I do have the solid point pins, but I have never poured the solid ones. I was just building up some inventory of the cups and pentas, as I am shooting the NOE 360160 WFN design mostly right now. I have a couple thousand of those poured and coated/lubed and they are my favorites, so I'm loading them right now.
I'm not real big on variety when it comes to my shooting. I'll pretty much load the same one til it's gone and then pick another design, with the exception of the Turtle Busters. :)
I'm lazy that way. It takes the thinking out of remembering the load and the POA. ;)
First time with this one.... the 457193. It's gonna be 405 grains of mean!:)
Cast up with 70/30 Coww/pure and a little tin. They were dropping .458 to .4585, which is a little disappointing, since I wanted to run them through my shiny new sizing die (back left), but they did work out great for coating, since they sized back down to a perfect .460 now.
More lead in March....

Today, I got out a MiHec mold that I got in a GB about 2 years ago and never used. I had meant to cast some of these last summer and got distracted, but anyway, I heat cycled it 6 times and put the pins in and dropped a few before dark.
I left the pot out there and am going to resume with this mold at first light.



I installed the penta pins but then decided to just cast with the large and small HP pins.
Using 80/20 COWW/SOWW lead:
Large HP ~ 178 gr
Small HP ~ 182 gr



I had wanted to run em through my Lyman #45 sizer, which is now boiled out, reassembled and working perfectly, but upon casting them I see that they have a remarkably small lube groove, especially for a bullet that is designed mainly for a rifle. So I may just powdercoat them.. . . 'not sure yet.
More lead of March

'Cast a few today, just because it was so nice outside.

MP C358-180RF, large and small HP's.

Accurate 454260K

Accurate 360-162V
i now your only posting that to make me anxious for my own 358 mihec GB

Of course he is, well that and so he can fill up that table with'em . :rolleyes:

He had better start loading them and getting on those turtles pretty quick or there are going to be more turtles than fish in that pond....:eek:
It's gettin' warmer now and I've been seein' some heads bobbin' around in my broadcast catfish feed.
Turtle Bustin' rocks!