First Impression: Walther P99

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Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, I finally broke down today at teh Gun show and bought one of these beauties.

I've heard a lot of good things about this gun, in fact, I haven't heard this much good stuff since the USP came out.

I just ran 100 rounds through my new P99 (.40, of course), and (after some long term T&E) I am seriously considering replacing my G23 for the first time in 5 years.

The gun has a very comfortable grip, and even comes with two optional backstraps, one larger and one smaller, if you want to change it.

What really intrigued me about the gun was the unique trigger set up. The Gun is, on the surface and inside, very Glock-like. One of its features is a very Glock-like Trigger Reset, I like that. Unlike the Glock, however, this gun can be fired in a Single Action Mode, which I really liked. OTOH, when "de-cocked" the long double action pull of the gun is much more like a traditional DA pull (Beretta, S&W, etc...) than the Glock's Safe Action. Personally, I have never had any problem with Glock's Trigger pull, but many people have accused it of being too light and too short for the first shot.

The Gun is incredibly accurate. My first five rounds were low and right, but all within 1.5" at 10 yards. A quick adjustment to the rear sight and the gun was windage on, but still low. The gun came with three extra front sights, one of which is bound to be shorter than the one on the gun now, so I will be able to lower the point of aim and put the gun right on for me.

Most of you know that I like to shoot fast and instinctively. As could be expected, I couldn't "point" with this gun as well as my trusty G23, but that would come with time and practice. The gun was fast though. From the waistband (no holster yet), all 11 rounds were inside an 8x8 target at 10 yards in less than 4 seconds. From low ready, 10 rounds did the same in 2.82. Again, Very close to my Glock times.

I knew I was going to like this gun, but after the first range session, I am surprised just how much I like it.

10+1 capacity.. no pre-ban mags.
Untested in the field.
Lack of easy to find holsters/accessories.

The only really serious negative there that cannot be overcome is the capacity issue. Will it be worth giving up 3 rounds to gain a little accuracy and comfort? I don't know. As the newness wears off, I will likely be apologizing to my G23 for ever considering a switch, but for now, I am very impressed.

If your pockets are deep enough, I've seen 15rd. mags for the P-99 .40 available from Bob Swanson advertised in Gun List.
$150 ea.!
Those are 9mm mags, I'm sure.

I have heard that the .40 S&W mags with full capacity will hold 11. It certainly wouldn't be worth $100+ to get one extra round, at least not to me. And I have moral issues with getting LE mags for non-duty use, so I won't be doing that.

Seems like someone around here was advertising preban P-88 mags that would fit the P99. I don't think the P-88 was ever chambered in .40, so I think I am stuck with 10+1 if I ever decide to carry this gun.
I've owned mine since January. I agree it's very, very accurate but I've had the slide lock back many times with rounds still in the magazine. It seems to be a problem with many of the .40S&W P99's. This last time after shooting I took the slide stop spring out and bent it to give it more tension. I have tryed reducing some of the engagment surface on the slide stop by filing a small angle where it contacts the slide. I hope these two mods will finally do the trick, untill this problem is fixed it won't be replacing any of my Glocks!
Pre-ban .40 P99 mags hold 12 rounds and are going for $129. Pre-ban 9mm P99 mags hold 16 and are going for $99.
I really really really liked the P99...until I tried the trigger. The break is too far back for me. Maybe a larger backstrap would help, but after getting used to the Glock trigger and knowing *exactly* when and where it is goind to break, I did not like the P99 trigger break. I briefly considered going to the P99, but then got past the "new gun excitment" and decided that I will probably stick with the Glock.

I just dealt with the same problem you mentioned last night. While Dry firing I found, like you, that the trigger broke very far back.. it seemed to be more exaggerated in the single action mode too.

I liked the smaller grip from a "gripping" standpoint. But after I put the largest backstrap on, the trigger seemed to feel much better. I think I am going to go with the larger backstrap for now. I plan on shooting it some more later today.. I also found a holster in the collection that will work well enough for some range practice.
Is anyone making a Kydex Holster for the P99 yet?
Another 100 rounds later.......

I have found my first problem had my first malfunction.

The malfunction was simply a slide lock with rounds in the mag. The slide lock was fully engaged, so I am assuming that I hit the slide lock with my thumb. The problem happened early in the session, and was not repeated. Note that I have switched to the larger grip, which could concievably have pulled my thumb back further than it was yesterday.

The real problem I round was that the little ridge in the middle of the bottom of the inside of the trigger guard rubs rather annoyingly on the bottom of my trigger finger. I didn't notice it yesterday, but today I really took notice. I did more rapid fire and multiple shot/target drills today, so there was more use of the "trigger reset". Upon examination, I noticed that at the point of proper trigger reset, part of the skin of my trigger finger is actaully "pinched" lightly between the trigger and the slope of the trigger guard.

Anyone else have either of these situations??
Bob Swanson runs 2 ads for P-99's.
16 rd. 9mm and 15 rd. .40 S&W "unrestricted factory civilian hi-capacity magazines", whatever that means.
Karanas, I may look into it, but the .40 mags would have to stick out the bottom of the gun pretty significantly. I could see 11, maybe 12 in the standard size mag, but definitely not 15.....
ROB My p99 9mm has not lived up to my expectations. I find the trigger to not only pinch, but don't decock it with your finger on the trigger or it will really get you.I have also found that my trigger will hang up in condition 2 at times, not letting me fire, untill I wiggle the trigger a few times. MICHAEL is familiar with this model and has a great wealth of knowledge. Glock is still my carry gun at this time. A SIG or GLOCK holster seems to fit pretty well. Give it a try.
I found that it fits in a couple of Glock 30 holsters, but the strap won't snap.
I have switched most of my everyday holsters over to Kydex, none of which are entertaining the idea of holding the Walther, not even the full size .45 USP.

I'm not giving up on my G23 yet...
I hope I don't have those problems with my new SW99. It just arrived at my local dealer and I got to fondle it today (7 days to go until pickup.)

I really like the grip. It seems to fit me really well. It has the medium grip on it, and that felt pretty good but I might have to go with the large to get proper trigger pull.

I didn't notice my finger rubbing on the triggerguard at all (something I meant to look for but didn't.)

I did notice that the trigger wasn't nearly as good as the Walther P99 9mm I dry-fired in another store. Hopefully the SW99 trigger will smooth out a little after break-in.

I too am hoping for a Kydex holster.
Yikes, the hangups don't sound good.
I had planned on picking out one of these weapons in .40 for the upcoming Y2K festivities. But... maybe I'll wait until next year and stick with old faithful, my 5906 (Happy birthday, BTW, 10 years old this week and NOT A SINGLE MISFIRE, EVER!!!)
I have the SW99. Thought it was the one, until I started having probs w the slide locking w rounds still in the mag too, especially with hot loads from odd positions (I have the same prob w Glock 40s BTW).

It feels best in my hand, but after over 5K rounds, I still like the USPs better when it comes to the actual shooting.

you've put 5k rounds through a SW99 already? Christ, I really feel bad about how much I've been neglecting my shooting for the last 6 weeks now...... :(
Funny, I heard the T&E S&W did on the P99 showed a tendency to not lock the slide when empty, so they put stronger springs in the lever and mag. Looks like they over did it? :)

Hearing about a lot of probs w slide locking w rounds still in mag.

Minor thing; I'm sure they'll work it out. :)

Wanted to fire some rounds today and decided to do some Head to Head comparisons of the Glock vs.P99 in terms of rapid fire.

The first run was 6 rounds Ice Cold, from the holster on a random start. The rounds were fired at a Tactical Ted with a fresh T-shirt at about 8 yards.

P99 - 6 shots - 3.06
G23 - 6 Shots - 2.67

After a few more runs with half mags and a few mag changes, I ended with a "full gun test" .. same range and target as before. Both guns from the hoster on a random start. I had fired 1 box of ammo before this test:

P99 -11 shots - 3.67
G23 -13 shots - 3.88

The Glock is still a bit faster, but I see some real potential with the P99. Considering the thousands of rounds I've put through the Glock, the time differences, once warmed up, are negligable and speak well for the capabilities of the P99 with practice.

I had no "slide lock malfunctions" with the P99, but I only ran about 30 rounds through it.
I have 2 P99's 9mm and.40. I had the slide lock problem early on with the .40 but after about 600-700 Rounds it stopped. I'm not sure if it was me or the gun. My 9mm has never had a malfunction in 1000+ Rnds. I am very pleased with accuracy and ergonomics.

"GottaShoot30, GottaShoot27, GottaShoot23, GottaShootKimber, GottaShootP99's, GottaShootBarretta - I just wish I had more time"
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