First IDPA match.

Ron Ankeny

New member
I shot my first IDPA match today and had a blast. We did a fun shoot that included shooting from a golf cart, no shoot targets, targets with knives and guns for props and so on. It was really cool.

We also did the IDPA qualifier. We had less than 20 shooters to qualify and lots of range officers. The entire qualifier wes set up in two bays and it went rather quickly considering the 90 rounds per person.

I got a real education on tactical reloads and I have learned to despise the darn barrel and the baracaide. I think I need to practice shooting with my weak hand too. Anyway, I shot in CDP with my Baer and I missed the Expert class by two seconds. :(
BTW, I have shot a lot of PPC and some NRA Action Pistol so I am not a novice shooter. I would have liked to have made Expert on my first shoot but IDPA is so different from what I am used to doing that I will need an adjustment period and some practice.

IDPA is great sport and a whole bunch of fun. I encourage everyone to try it. If you are a beginner just remember shooting is like digging a well. After the hard work is done, the only direction is up and and there is nothing but daylight ahead of you...good shooting.
I started shooting IDPA a little over a month ago. I agree: it's a TON of fun!

I had never done that type of shooting before, so I guess I qualify as a "novice". I have been shooting my Glock 21, which I bought about a week before I went to shoot for the first time. Matter of fact, the second time I put rounds downrange with that pistol was at a match. I shot the qualifier the next week (made SSP Sharpshooter by just over 1 second). Shot my second match a week ago, and placed 7th out of 50 total shooters and 4th among the Sharpshooters (all classifications).

Two or three months from now I expect to be closing in on Expert. We shoot every other Wednesday and Thursday, and the next match is on the 12th & 13th. I'm taking a couple of friends with me this time.

I'm hooked! :D

[This message has been edited by Bob Locke (edited July 02, 2000).]
I am a novice in CDP. It is great practice and I have learned a lot about tactics. Most times novice class not allowed at major shoots. I was very lucky that KY IDPA state match let novice class shoot. I learned more in those fourteen stages about IDPA shooting and tactics than in a year of monthly matches. It was a great confidence booster. And it's a lot of fun. This is a great shooting sport you will enjoy.
Welcome aboard Ron. Say goodbye to that extra ammo you had stored up. :) I think I burned off over 1000 rounds in the last 10 days.

We had a lot of fun yesterday in Johnson City Tx at the Texas Tactical match. Had well over 30 shooters out there in the Tx sun. Miker ALWAYS makes you think and shoot fast. Yup... it was hot. Yup.. I got sun burned. But it was a real good tune up for the Carolina Cup next week.


[This message has been edited by Bubba (edited July 03, 2000).]
Hi everybody.

I am new to this forum. I was wondering, how do you get started in IDPA? I live in South Texas. I have a stock Sig P229 in 40 that I want to use in competition and personal carry when I get my permit in the future. Any information regarding clubs, matches and equipment is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again and this is a great forum.

Welcome to TFL. I am sure you will find this to be a friendly and helpful site.

You can go to and find out where your local clubs are. Don Cross will have a shoot on the 16th at Blackhawk shooting range in San Antonio. Registration will be at 9:30. Hope to see you there. You can email me if you have any more questions.


"There are people who do not mind the fact that O.J. Simpson walks free. There are people who do not mind the fact that Lon Horiuchi is not only not punished for his atrocity at Ruby Ridge, but he continues on the public payroll. There are those who know who killed Vince Foster, but are not bothered by the fact that the subject has been dropped officially. I mind those things. Do you?" - Jeff Cooper