First IDPA match tomorrow!


New member
First IDPA match results!!!

Wish me luck guys. I've gotten great information from these forums and thepowerfactorshow. Hopefully I can do alright for my first pistol match. I'll post the results when I get them.
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So here's the results:

I had a lot of fun. I made some dumb mistakes that cost some time, but I think I did alright for my first match. #1 out of the unclassified shooters :). There was one popper that took 5 shots before it finally fell which irritated me, but overall I had a blast. I think there were 37 shooters total and I finished 13th.
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Glad you had fun. Looks like you did well. Bet you can't wait for the next one ;)

I'm curious, what gun were you shooting?
Stage 1 and 5 were the first 2 I shot, if I didn't blow those...I could have been really competitive with the SS shooters. I am using a glock 34.
Stock Service Revolver

I really enjoy shooting revolver in IDPA. Reloading brings a good challenge. And when stages are geared for 10-round semi-autos, more challenges arise. I don't play to win. I play to have fun. And sportin' a revolver is a good conversation starter. People like watching how I do. It's neat.
welcome to IDPA.You'll have a ball improving your skills and finding your best balance between speed and accuracy. If you reload you can mess around finding a load with the best combination of accuracy and manageable recoil so you can make faster follow up shots. Many 9mm shooters have gone to the 147 grain bullet with fast to medium powders and some swear by the 124. A couple of tips:work on your weaknesses more than your strengths and also make practice drills very slightly more difficult than what you think you will see at a match.Enjoy
I reload 147s. I use Red Dot, which is a fast powder.

Indeed it is a fast powder.

I know this isn't the reloading section, but here goes. . .

Fast powders under heavy bullets (which is what you have) lend themselves to consistency - and that's a good thing.

But . . . If you have a recipe that meets your standards, keep it, and don't mess with it. Red Dot - especially under heavy bullets - has a steep pressure curve. i.e., adding a little powder to the recipe may result in a huge jump in pressure. I know first-hand.

With this combination, proceed with your load work-ups using particular caution and observation.