First Glock: Field Strip and Cleaning


New member
Got my first Glock today (G19) and I cant wait to take it to the range tomorrow before work. I've never fired one before but it feels great in my hand so hopefully I'll be able to hit paper with it. Anyway, bear with me here...I went and stripped it down into its five major parts and gave it an initial cleaning and lube. Nothing to it. Anyway, it seems to me that the recoil spring just sort of 'rests' against the barrel lug ponderously, and is not actually held in place by anything except the spring tension. I put it all back together and the gun seems to cock and function correctly, so I think I did it right(?) Like I said, haven't had a chance to fire it yet so I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything, lose any parts, etc. ;)
Check out, under "Free Services", for good information about disassembly and lubing of Glocks. If you used more than four tiny drops of oil on your Glock, then it's overlubed. Of utmost importance is that you not let any oil (even by migration) get into the striker channel.

When you shoot, be sure and lock your wrists and elbows, or you'll experience malfunctions. Check out Wal-Mart for good deals on UMC and Win "White Box" ammo. just rests there held under spring pressure against the front of the slide and the recessed cut on the front of the barrel locking lug.

Hopefully before you cleaned the weapon you read the instruction manual and heeded the advice to not clean out that bronze/gold colored paste under the slide. They put that stuff there to aid in proper break in of the pistol.

Good Shooting