First Full Auto

Michael Carlin

New member
I have looked longingly at full autos for years. This year I expect to buy my first NFA full auto. I have budgeted about $1000 to $1200 for this and am considering a Reising.

What recommendations do you FA guys have for a first FA other than Reising?

In terms of Reisings what should I be cognizant of?

Thanks for your input!

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse! ;)

Yours In Marksmanship

[This message has been edited by Michael Carlin (edited 01-13-99).]
Why don't you lurk on one/some of the FA sale boards for a week or two? That may give you a better idea of general pricings on different weapons.
Hi Sarge!

It is my understanding that the Reising saw limited service in the Pacific with the USMC. However, they were found to jam when dirty and relegated to domestic defense. It may serve your recreational needs, but please don't count on it for combat. I'll take Sgt. Rock's Thompson.

Aye, Gary so would I!

Could ye tell me where to get one for 1200 +tax? They seem to command a bit higher price than that!! :(

Were monetary constraints not an impediment I should like to have a TSMG in 10mm and an MP5/10. Then of course I have always liked the BAR, another weapon with reliablity of questionable reputation. An M60 as I carried one around for a while, and made my bones as a leader training it.

Then a SAW M249E would be nice, for grins.

Of course like owning your own "issue quivalent" rifle and pistol one wants to own his own light machinegun so I would find an M240 interesting.

But alas the budget is about 1000-1200 + the tax and fees for shipping and transfer is the limit.

So if anyone would like to share their Reising experience, what to avoid etc, or offer another alternative choice in my price range I would really appreciate it.

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship


[This message has been edited by Michael Carlin (edited 01-15-99).]