First F-Class in the books


New member
Shot my first f-class comp this morning and it was.....AWESOME!!!

I got told a few times that I did a really good job in pits pulling targets, getting them marked and back up in a very timely manner.

Shooting wise, I didn't do real good but didn't do too bad for the first time to ever shoot at that distance. My goal was to have a 6 average and I ended with a 7.2 avg so I'm happy with that. The first match was really rough the first 6 shots, but once I got dialed in, it went A LOT better.

Found a couple of tweaks I'm going to make to my setup, and a couple things I'm going to buy to help me out.

For to network with a couple of shooters out of Memphis and a couple out of Oklahoma. Great group of guys out there today.

A couple of the guys gave me some shooting tips and a couple of other tips here and there. So all in all, it was a great day of shooting and I was able to gain a lot of experience by just being out there and shooting.

I can't wait to get my cases cleaned up now and get my rounds reloaded for the competition in October.
Neat! Sounds like a whole lotta fun.

I am a bit jealous. I'm still waiting on my F Open rifle to return from Masterclass stocks. I had hoped to shoot one F class match this year, but it is looking doubtful...

I remember my first one guy. Nervousssssssssss. I had never shot prone and was having eye relief isssues. Just wanted to finish my shots. It becomes easier. And as you have noticed, The people that shoot with you are the best. Always willing to help. I have one more this year left. Oct 4th. 25 at 300 and 25 at 600.
By the way -What ya running for a rifle and scope set up?.
I just have a stock Savage Axis .308 with a el'cheapo scope truglo 8-32x44. Tracked real good had great clarity all the way out there. Worked for me.

I do have plans though to get a new trigger, or lighten the pull on the one I do have. I also need to get a 20 MOA base and I should be set. My reloads didn't do to bad. I plan on making some tweaks on them as well.
I have 2 Axis. 223, 243. Both are sub MOA rifles. My F class is a Savage 6MMBR with a Sightron 8-32 x 56 scope. I want a nightforce,but $$$$$$, that I don't have right now. You shooting 168's or 175's?. I did FTR class with my 308 shooting 155 Palma hybrid. Finally realized. I can't shoot of a bipod for squat.:eek:. It does take a talent for sure.
I shot the FTR with SMK 155gr Palmas. I have 175gr but haven't done workup yet for them.

Yeah those NFC takes some $$$$ for sure but I was actually pretty pleased with the Truglo. The mirage wasn't too bad, and I was able to get a pretty clear picture after adjusting stuff for 600yds. It made adjustments great and when I changed something and went back to where I was, it was right back on it.
I do have a question.

If I add weight to the synthetic buttstock, will that help control the jump of the rifle since its so lightweight?

I grip the gun towards the butt when I shoot from my bipod and was just wondering. I know I need to stay under 18.8 pounds to meet weight for F T/R though.
Adding weight will help. I took the butt plate off my first one and pulled the styrofoam out. I then put in 8 LBS of # 4 shot. Man what a difference. The 2 Axis I have-I took the spring out and cut 1.5 coils off them. Made a big difference in trigger pull.

I did not use either one of those in F or FTR class though. Ftr class,I don't do any more.But I was using a Savage FVSS 308 for that with a custom stock. The main thing is ,,Your having Fun. That is what it is all about.
Just made a quick modification that is completely reversible if I wanted to, to help add weight to the gun.

I weighed the rifle and it was 9.2 lbs.

I took a old dress sock that had a hole in it. Taped that end up. Took buttplate off and shoved toe of sock all the way down into the buttstock. Took a thing of regular old BB's. poured into stock. Taped off top of sock and put buttplate back on.

Weigh gun again, and now it's 12.2 pounds. So it added a whole three pounds. Can't wait to see if there's any difference at the range.
there probebly will be. Your biggest difference will be getting that trigger lightened up though. Cut 1 to 1.5 coils off it and then you can go WOW what a difference. That's what I did
there probebly will be. Your biggest difference will be getting that trigger lightened up though. Cut 1 to 1.5 coils off it and then you can go WOW what a difference. That's what I did

I looked at that today on a few You Tube videos. I'm just really nervous about doing something like that though. I'm worried I'll end up screwing something up.

I know right now factory, it's probably what 6-7lb pull. How much would that bring it down to if I was to cut of half a coil or one full coil?
It is easier than you think. Just watch how it comes out and put it back same way. My first time it took about 5 minutes to do. I cut 1.5 coils off. I would say it's down to about 3 to 4 lbs now. It really is easy to do. I don't want ya to do something your not comfortable with,but it is that easy to do.
I might have to take a look at it and then if I feel uncomfortable, just stop and reattach everything.

I got the weight added to the back now, and plan on here in next day or so, taking the whole stock off and adding weight to the forearm. That I'm thinking will help out a bunch as well between weight in back and front, a tad taken off spring for trigger...should feel like a whole different gun next time I take it out to shoot.

I'm debating doing it in stages. Weight for now, then after comp I'm planning on for this weekend, doing the trigger job and getting out to range to play with the new trigger before competing.
What kind of groups did you pull at 600 if ya don't mind me asking?. Like I mentioned I have 2 Axis and man do they shoot. I ask because with a skinny barrel that thing must heat up pretty good. Do they start walking by the time you get to the last 5 shots.
No not too bad, but I took my time in between shots, maybe 30-45 seconds or so. Gave time to cool.

Groups were horrible but it was first time for me reading wind really at that length of distance.

I'm adding weight to forend tonight about 4-5lbs which will put it around 16-17lbs total with scope and bipod and all.

How much will the more rigid heavier front end move my zero? I have comp this weekend and was wondering.

Before next months comp, I'm gonna adjust the trigger.

I agree I love the feel of the axis, just trying to tighten it up a bit. I'm great with it at 100-200yds with sub-MOA groups, but that wind ate my lunch at 600yds. Lol. Plus I made a couple of tweaks to my mechanics. Lighter trigger will help with that as well.
I think I'm going to do the trigger job tonight. I can't decide though of one coil or one and a half coils. I think I'll start with one coil and then go from there. I can always take more off but can't put any back.
you my friend are ahead of me. I did one year in FTR. I finally admitted to myself that I can't shoot off a bipod for squat. :mad: It does take a knack that I have not developed yet.
It's in the breathing and finding your heart rhythm. Those two things I have down, it was just the reading the wind the killed me this weekend. Not used to reading it at all I'm places I hunt, and definitely not at 600yds.

Well, I got the weight added to the forearm and epoxy is setting up. Trigger job is complete, took just one coil off, and it feel A LOT better than it did just by that little bit. Feels a whole lot crisper and I can definitely tell it doesn't take near the pressure for it to break over. It still takes some, but only about half of what it did.