First ever powder coated bullets


New member
My buddy gave me all the gear, plus this Goodwill toaster oven...

How can I say no?

The red didn't stick as well as the white, for some reason...some of them look diseased because of it, but they're coated, by gum! Got some yellow ones cooling right now...
you mixed the red and white together? I tried mixing blue and red, once. no more mixing here, doesn't seem to work if tumbling. beagle had some cool speckled ones, but he was spraying. but like he said, they look coated just fine
They look fine and the coat is solid. I can't get the colors to blend when I mix powders either, but I kinda like the "malted milk eggs" look anyway. :)
As long as the coat is cured, they should be good to go. All you want is a nice cured coat on the driving bands and it appears that you have it.
I do try for a 400° bake temp or as close as I can get it. You said you cured them on "toast" setting. You look like you got a good cure there, but I would try to pick up a cheap oven thermometer somewhere (3-4 bucks at WalMart or Thrift) and see what your toaster temp really is, when your setting is on "toast". Example for picture: Cheapo baking thermometer
I just put bullets on one side and the thermometer on the other side of the pan for one cycle, then you'll know close to what the temp really is when you load the tray up without the thermometer in there. Lookin' good though! Load them babies up and fire away! :D