First coyote...kinda


New member
Killed one a few years ago bowhunting, but first actually coyote hunting.

Within a couple minutes of the call running, heard a howl. First time that happened so it was exciting enough by itself. 20-25 minutes later finally seen him. Turned broadside about 100 yards away so I shot....and missed!

As he was running my cousin I was hunting with shot and missed and cycled the bolt of my 7mm-08 for a follow up shot. At the last possible second I shot again and bingo! Bullet went in to back ankle exited leg entered mid body and exited out of center of chest. 220 yards. I still can't believe I missed the 100 yard chipshot standing still but put a good shot at 220 yards running. I think I just rushed it to much because I knew my cousin was about ready to shoot and I was being a little greedy. Now that I got one, I told him he gets next shot so from now on I think we will alternate so we do not rush ourselves lol.

I know it's just one stinky coyote, but felt like I'd killed a big ole buck. Tomorrow he is headed to the taxidermist to get tanned. Hope all the entrance/exit wounds aren't to visible when he is done from one bullet.

Hoping next weekend to have my new upper in and be able to hunt with it. .223 shouldn't do so much damage. Going to reload some 55 grain hornady v-max.

Edit: Male 34 lbs


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Great! Keep after 'em. With two people on stand, we usually try and set up to maximize the view.

Predator hunting is exciting, I find it almost as exciting as big game hunting. Sometimes more exciting, depending on what comes in.
Great! Keep after 'em. With two people on stand, we usually try and set up to maximize the view.

Predator hunting is exciting, I find it almost as exciting as big game hunting. Sometimes more exciting, depending on what comes in.

Generally we try to do the same. Most spots we have a lot of overlap though, where we can both shoot at the same animal. Just a side effect of living where brush/trees is more plentiful than the open land like out west or crop land further north. Very exciting indeed! I was hooked on predator hunting before today, and now I like it even more. It's a nice change of pace compared to sitting still all day waiting for a big buck to stroll by. Don't get me wrong I'll never quit hunting deer, but coyote hunting is a nice way to stay in the game between deer/spring turkey.
I'm in a coyote killing slump. I think age is getting the better hand with me. Too many quivers and "yips" to make the hits like I used to. I've hit but failed to kill the last 4 I've shot at. Most of my shots are around 300-500 yards. This may seem unethical to some BUT I'm trying to get rid of them not sell the fur(which is the only reason for recovering yotes) so any that I hit are welcome to run off and die on their own.
I'm being over-run. I saw 6 this morning and shot at one hitting a front leg. A few days back, I saw 17 (although some were multiple sightings). BTW all these sightings and attempted shots are from my homestead(house, yard, barn lot). I can see 600-1000 yards in 3 directions but obviously don't even try those extra long shots.
mobuck-sounds like a lot of dang coyotes! I'd come shoot em for ya if you are close. That's the funny thing. When I started coyote hunting I did so to try to eradicate as many as possible. Now I almost wish there were more where I hunt to increase odds of calling one in. I said ALMOST! Deer, turkey, and other small critters are still my passion, but I have a feeling coyote hunting could be very addicting very very easy.
All I can say is, if we don't kill a bunch of yotes soon, there won't be many fawns survive this summer. I'm going to do some more rifle work this morning and get zeroed at the exact range to my bait. I can't manage the hold over in the near dark of dusk and dawn (that's when the wily buggers show up).
I saw a total of 7 yesterday and already 2 before 7 this morn.
Well done - I've missed a few "chip-shots" myself, to this day I can't figure out why!
(must have been something wrong with the gun(s) :rolleyes: )