First CAS match questions


I just completed my first CAS match with my two new Ruger Old Army's. I shot Swiss 1.5 fg powder, and #10 Remington caps. First stage went ok. Second stage one of the fired caps jammed and slowed me down for a few seconds. Third stage one of the fired caps completely jammed up the cylinder and I could not finish the stage. Fourth stage one jammed but I was able to work loose and continue. Before the fifth stage I removed the cylinders and wiped everything down with a dry cloth. I also used a pick to clean out the nipples. Fifth stage went ok not as bad as the others but certainly not smooth enough to place to high in the stage. So my question is, does anyone have any suggestions? I feel like the guns will break in with more shooting and get smoother as they were new when I purchased them (from a collector who had bought them in 1972). Is there any type of cleaning solution I could use in the field that might help?:confused:
Your problem with the caps would be solved with SlixShot nipples from either Long Hunter Shooting Supply or Badman Bullets. Well worth the price. All of my cap guns have them and cap jams just went away. Both vendors are great SASS supporters.
I had heard so many good things about the SliX-shot nipples that I purchased and installed them before even firing my new Pietta 1851 Navy for the first time. They also work fairly decent with #11 caps unlike the original nipples; #10 caps and black powder aren't as common around these parts nowadays so #11 magnum caps and Pyrodex P will have to do in the meantime.
Kind of hard to test fire the Ruger in the living room.
Being not fortunate enough to own one, but my Remington and Colts throw most of the shot caps when the cylinder rotates.
I tried Slix-Shot nipples on one open top, they did not keep the spent caps from getting in the wrong places.
CCI caps don't fly to shreds as well as Remington ones and I still have a few from Dixie, made with brass that you have to pry most of the spent ones off.
I have a '51 Navy, with most every extra, hammer stop bolt block and perfect timing. that I can fan. The shredded caps just fly off. Have only "miss treated" it a few times, but I can if I want.
I hope you come up with the right combination and keep shooting ball and cap, don't go over to the "Dark Side" with a conversion cylinder!
Ooooooo. What you sssssaid . . . . . .

Hey 44 Dave !! I' got another trick ta show ya, but yer right, a rake would fix his prob (probobly). Dont abuse yer 51 too much but heck, ya know how ta fix it !!!! Ha !!!

45 Dragoon

Btw, cartridge guns dont need rakes !!!!!:D