First Antelope Hunt


I finally got my photos from my first antelope hunt! This was just outside Casper, Wyoming in Sept/Oct. From what I've heard from experienced antelope hunters, I got lucky with this guy. He was only 88 yards away, facing me. What a great time and beautiful country. Now I just need some recipe advice...


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Nice buck. My wife comes from a hunting family so she learned early age how to cook. We tried antelope lot of ways I finally gave up have ground for hamburger or into summer sausage some like that sage brush taste.
Heat the oven to 350. Use salt, pepper, and other spices you like on the meat. Then wrap in bacon and bake tell the bacon is crispy. Take out of the oven and let it rest for about 10 min. Then take the bacon off throw out the antelope and eat the bacon.

I ate a lot of it growing up and the only way I like it anymore is made into breakfast sausage.
Antelope is gamey if the blood is not soaked from the meat. If you do a salt water soak the meat is excellent.
Here’s one of my favorites.

I have had 5 different people tell me how they didn’t like antelope and yet they loved this when I served it to them.

One in particular was quite funny. He’d told me he hated antelope and I didn’t tell him what he was eating until he’s had 3rds.

Take a good cut of meat and salt water soak it for 1 day changing the water one time

Cube it up into chunks about 1.5” square.

Fry 6 pieces of bacon crisp and set the bacon aside.

Dredge the antelope in flour with salt and pepper and brown it in olive oil on all sides.

Cut up a large yellow onion and sauté in the bacon grease. When soft and limp place them on the bottom of a crock pot.

Place the antelope on top of the onions

Crumble up the bacon and sprinkle them on top of the antelope.

Cover the meat with a layer of cut mushrooms

Mix 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup, ½ can of Cream Sherry wine, 1 can or water and ½ a small jar of horseradish. And 2 table spoons of Worcetishire sauce and pour this all over the top of the meat.

Cook on low for 9 hours in a crock pot, or if you are using a dutch oven, cover it with a lid and place it in the oven on 225 degrees for 8 hours.

45 minutes before serving time make up a mess of your favorite pasta.

15 minutes before serving time mix in ½ a tub of sour cream into the mix and sprinkle paprika over the top of it. Put back in the oven for 15 minutes.

Serve it over the pasta.

Let me know what you think.

Happy hunting
I keep the loins and backstrap, get the rest ground into sausage. I cut the backstrap into 2" thick steaks, wrap in bacon and grill. It is delicious... The loins I marinate in what I call a Korean style marinade, then grill or roast...

Korean Marinade: 1 cup of soy sauce, 1 tsp minced fresh ginger, 4 garlic cloves minced, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp chili oil, 1 Tbsp lemon zest, 1 chopped scallion, 1/2 tsp sesame seeds.
If fresh ginger or garlic isn't available, substitute garlic powder and ground ginger.
From what I've heard from experienced antelope hunters, I got lucky with this guy. He was only 88 yards away, facing me.

Congrats. I hunt out in the Casper area every few years. Nice antelope you took.

As far as varies. I've taken them out to 300 yards and as close as 15 yards. As you know, the land scape can provide lots of relief out there and it is possible to get pretty close to them at times.

As far as receipes.... take the backstrap, wrap it in bacon, add a little salt, pepper and garlic and fry it with some butter and onions. Nothing better.

Congratulations!!Nice buck!

I have shot,and eaten,a lot of antelope.With some of my early ones,I was not so good at handling game animals.I did not have a high opinion of antelope meat.

I figured out,do not allow the bladder to leak/break,get the hide off immediately,and get it cold immediately.

Then antelope meat became excellent.

Cooking,I do not do any "gaminess" tricks.Do you have some odd trimmings? shoulder,etc?Just no blood shot,etc,clean,good meat.Stew meat type pieces.Put a little seasoning on it,salt,pepper,or a little Lawries and pepper,shake it in flour.Get the floured pieces out

Get your skillet medium hot with some garlic butter in it.

Just brown those pieces in garlic butter.Its best if they are still a little pink inside.

Put them on a plate.Eat them.Now,tell me what you think of pronghorn.

Do that same thing,except pour a little beer on them when they are done ,and the pan will gravy up.So,mashed potatoes or flat noodles..

Now,backstrap chops,put them in a medium hot fry pan,garlic butter,they should still be a little pink!

Try it,let me know how it goes.A side dish? This time of year,look for a bag of frozen whole pod okra.Throw it in a medium hot fry pan with some butter or olive oil.Saute a while,like a stir fry.As it is frozen,it needs a head start.Later add sliced up potobella mushrooms,and maybe a splash of port.

I'd serve beside mashed potatoes,rice,or good egg noodles.
Thanks all for the recipe ideas. As far as the equipment rifle is an FN PBR .308. I was using a 168 gr Hornady TAP round. Scope is a lue m4. Probably should have used iron sights from the distance I took him though...:/ He was facing me and the impact hit dead center, but about an inch low. I looked for the bullet when I cleaned him but couldn't find any remnants at all. Lung and heart shredded, it looked like the round didn't stick together well at all. Thanks again for all the recipe ideas!
HiBC has the right idea -
Don't hide the Antelope meat under 17 different layers of seasoning and hot spices.

My primary meat source in Antelope. Elk isn't nearly as common as my family would like, and I haven't had deer in my freezer for about 15 years. There's a bit of pork thrown in, but Antelope still beats it.
And, beef and chicken? Pffft. I can't afford the good stuff, and I despise the trash we get in grocery stores.

For Antelope, butter is all you need.
If that's too bland, add a little garlic and maybe some black pepper.

If the meat was properly cared for (and the fat removed), it'll taste just fine.
My in-laws from North Carolina didn't even know they were eating venison, when I cooked 3 lbs for them in October, with nothing but butter, a dash of salt, and a maybe half a clove of garlic.

When my wife wants something "different", I'll marinate cubed or sliced Antelope in 'Zesty' Italian Dressing over night. I pull the meat chunks out by hand, and don't worry about any dressing still on them. ...Straight into a medium / medium low pan, and it's done in a couple minutes. I think it ends up tasting like 'zesty' deer, but most people really like it.

Her personal favorite, is Antelope seared in a hot pan, then drowned in butter and chicken stock. Add an appropriate amount of wild rice, and let it simmer until the rice is done. Serve with rolls, and watch everyone eat until they can't stuff any more in their faces. ;)

If all else fails - use it like any other meat. Just make some minor adjustments to compensate for the low fat and moisture content (cook it slowly, and add a fat).

I have a bag of tortillas that needs to be finished off...
Antelope tacos for dinner! :D
Antelope is just as good as deer only a different flavor (my opinion).
FrankenMauser is right- butter & garlic,seasoned salt & lemon pepper with sauteed mushrooms, fried in olive oil after soaking in Italian dressing marinade is good too!
ground Antelope burgers, tacos, chili, or spaghetti. take your pick, it's all good!! Any animals flavor is gonna depend on what it eats !
Slice those backstraps about 1 inch thick and butterfly them, put three japeleno slices in the middle, wrap strip of bacon around edge,( like filet mignon) secure with toothpick, sprinkle with Cavanders Greek Seasoning and cook over a direct heat fire in your cooker. Add wood of your choice for smoke.
I usually let those dudes cook until bacon is crisp, but only to medium rare.

Fellas thats the hooligan way. try it.:)
Slice those backstraps about 1 inch thick and butterfly them, put three japeleno slices in the middle, wrap strip of bacon around edge,( like filet mignon) secure with toothpick, sprinkle with Cavanders Greek Seasoning and cook over a direct heat fire in your cooker. Add wood of your choice for smoke.
I usually let those dudes cook until bacon is crisp, but only to medium rare.
I do some similar things, when I feel like grilling speed goat.
Sometimes, I'll just wrap 1" cubes in bacon.
Other times, I might butterfly larger cuts and stuff them with Feta cheese, before wrapping.

Both work quite nicely with bacon-wrapped pickles, and/or grilled olive oil-tossed asparagus (with a little salt and fresh ground pepper).
Antelope makes great fajitas! Slice the steaks and fry them in butter with the peppers, onions, and mushrooms. Heat a tortilla and ad the stuffing, be sure to get the juices from the bottom of the pan. Easy and really good. Make more than you think you will eat, because you will want more when it is gone!
A lot of good advice here. The most important point is to remove as much as possible all fat from an antelope or mule deer, and replace it in recipes with fat from domestic critters. Bacon is great.
Cool..I hope to get one some day...My son is in the service in Wyoming..maybe he can fix me up....:D