Firearms rules in realitybased RPG's

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Staff Alumnus
Ok this is for Oberkommando and other like him who were or are into RPG's (on-line or old fashioned pencils and polyhydral dice).

What is your FAVORITE/Best rule system for fire combat in an Role Playing Game System??
(this would be the best blend (to me) of reality vs. playablity and ease of use). Lets face it we are guys who KNOW something about guns.. but also appreciate a lil hollywood.. so what's the best way to go??

Lots of us gen - x 'ers grew up with D&D and other games.. and I know LOT of military and ex-military guys who got into RPG because the only REAL cost for most players was imagination and some chips and beer. I know a LOT of guys in the navy who spent a lot of time killing time in RPG's rather than playing cards. (lol I also know a lot of guys who spent a FORTUNE on RPG's)

My favorite rules system was the James Bond game,(Avalon Hill Games) ... and not just cause the 45acp has a distinct advantage (it doesn't DO more damage but the saving throw for being hit by one is MUCH harder). The combat system is wieghted for handguns over long arms and ANY full auto weapon is REALLY REALLY dangerous. The hand to hand rules could use a little more work but are serviceable. (I developed a bunch of gun rules for black powder weopns for a pre-1872 western game using bond rule and WOW now I understand why black powder coboys carried two guns a knife a tomohawk AND a shotgun)

Anyway.. just a strange query that really fits no other forum and based on something oberkommando said earlier. ;)

So... any GAMERS out there????????

Come on ... I KNOW you are. ;)

I always liked the rules for firearms in GURPS. The .45 and 9mm did the same base damage but the .45 did plus damage for its size. Actually anything .40 call and over does +2. I don't game anymore but I used to quite a bit.
Oh, Thank God. (Hand spread open over heart...)

Role Playing Games.

I thought you meant Rocket Propelled Grenades. (sweat, pant, gasp)
I consider RPGs pretty "reality-based"!!!

(Aside to wife: "It's okay, Hon. You can put away the nitroglycerin tablets. It was something else... ;))
Dennis so you are saying we can't discuss RPG-7 launchers and stuff here?? (they do damage class H area effect in Bonds rule but man that draw penalty of -4 sucks) ;)

Soory if we gave your wife a scare.

That's okay, Doc Rob. She always gets nervous when I have chest pain, turn pale, sweat and lose feeling in my left arm. ;)

No problem. No problem.
(Let's see. It's after noon so I can have a drink....) :D
It's ALWAYS after Noon, somewhere, Dennis. :)

You could just repaint the numbers on the dial of your Mickey Mouse as all 5s or 12s...Or make every other one an RPG...
I love RPG games but have found few that have realistic rules when it comes to guns.

RPG games give me a way to have a lot of fun with my friends and use my imagniation for free. Being a very poor student who is buried in science every day, I love the chance to be imaginative at no monetary cost.

I had James Bond for a while but could not find anyone to play with it me.

I always liked Marvel for the simple fact that it only used percentile dice for *everything* (everything is a percentage: what could be easier and also realisitc?). That game never took off though.

Top Secret had the worst gun rules. You rolled out where you hit the guy, and then the damage. It was entirely possible to hit someone in the head and not phase them, but then hit them in the foot and drop them instantly.

The best, most concise, rules for combat seem to be Battletech, but alas, that is robots. In Battletech, you even tend to miss about 5 oput of 6 times unless you are an expert character. In combat, that is much more realistic than most.

White Wolf system has a pretty good system, but not much better than D&D in the end, when referring to realism of how a gun effects someone.

My friends and I, all having some experience in SCA combat, were discussing the fact that Gary Gygax was a swordplayer and did know what he was doing when he made D&D. Many people think it is a basic game, but it really is well thought out. For intance, when you roll to hit, ytou are actually rolling for a whole minute of combat. That means that in that minute of melee you may have swung many hits that were blocked by shield and postition yourself and such, but you are rolling for your BEST swing of the minute that actually had the chance to hit home. In our experience, that is very realistic because much of sword combat is spent in things other than actually hitting your opponent.
There is more to the discussion, but this is the wrong form for such converstations.

I have not seen any with really good rules regarding gunplay, but look at it this way:
Even WE (gun nuts and ballistic experts) cannot agree which bullets do the more damage, so how the heck are some people making a game going to figure it out?
At that, I usually leave it up to gamemaster discretion.

[This message has been edited by jdthaddeus (edited November 20, 1999).]
RPGs are still around?
I played D&D for a little while back in the... What early 80's?
Lets see - You could pick a sword, a bow, or a REALLY BIG AXE.
Nope, no guns...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
From what I remember AD@D allowed one to "CALL SHOT" where you were aiming. Played this a lot in highschool burned many a nights/days with coke and doritos (should have been out buying Hk 91's) Our characters were always large and powerfull 7' 300+lbs for the little fighters and the big guy was a Half ogre about 8' 450 with a giant pick axe. I automatically gave the mosters max HD and 8 points per, we would frequently cloak out (ELVENKIND) in a bar an mess with the patrons until a fight broke out then we'd leave a delayed blast fireball for the guards. O

Only gun base I used was boot hill and top secret, not great. I have accidently seen a weapons based RPG? on the net searching for somehting else It had specific guns and ammuniton I saw some error in the little bit I read. Its been soo long since I played an RPG all my friends got wives, and they just didnt see the value of a "two handed bastard sword with frost brand capabilty or cursed backbiter, neither did we on the last one. I played gamma world for a little while and was getting into some of the Psionic abilities when we quit playing in the eighties. I have been waiting for a good PC based RPG to replace the old ones but none seem anywhere near them. Sorry for no suggestions tell me if ya find any.
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