Firearms insurance?


New member
Wondering if someone can point me in the right direction to good no fine print firearms insurance. I heard the company that the nra recommends is pretty much a scam. That they have a lot of fine print in there contracts to basically get them out of giving you insurance money for your firearms. I’m getting a pretty expensive collection in my home and would like to insure them. A lot more then what homeowners will cover.
I have a specific rider on my homeowners policy that lists my guns by SN and value. The coverage includes theft and damage even when traveling around the country with the covered items.

Some may not like the cost vs. benifit... it gives me piece of mind.
Not a recommendation, but this is who I use:

I say "Not a recommendation" because I haven't had a claim, so I don't really know how well they would come through.

Me too.

I will say that I'm an insurance agent and (having read all their forms) it seems like the coverages are all there. I felt comfortable enough to spend my money on a policy, for what it's worth.

Also, in regards to the individual who recommended a rider on your homeowners policy, but sure to be VERY clear with your agent/company when asking about that. Some companies have really picky rules when it comes to firearms. Keep in mind that if you put your guns on a homeowners policy, you're subject to the same deductible as your house (usually kinda high).

Ps. For those that don't know, a homeowners policy will (usually) cover damage to guns from fire/etc, but NOT from theft. That's why you need a separate insurance policy for your guns.
I bank and do my insurance through USAA. I have a "Valuable Personal Property" insurance through them for my firearms. Got just under $30K worth to cover. They have you itemize out guns, scopes, accessories, etc and costs associated with it. You can include pics too.

I'm paying about $430 a year for covering $28K worth of guns and gear. Haven't had to use it yet (thankfully), but I'm glad to have it in case I'm deployed and somebody decides to drag my safe out of my garage during then. USAA has amazing customer service, so I'm not worried about them screwing me over IF I did have to use it.
Actually, my homeowners policy states the following....
3. Firearms.
$2,000 limit on theft of firearms. This includes:
a. their scopes or mounts whether attached or not; and
b. all other firearm related equipment and ammunition.

They do cover theft. However, I do have a rider to cover a larger amount and camera equipment.
I have renters Insurance through USAA. They covered the guns with no problem.

Very cheap!!! And you can understand them on the phone..........................
I have renters Insurance through USAA. They covered the guns with no problem.
They do, but I think only to a certain $$ value. So if your gun collection busts that $$ value and they get stolen, they'll only cover that $$ cap limit and the rest is on you. I don't know that $$ value is, so I would call them and ask if you have more than a couple guns.
My homeowners insurance does not have the standard limits placed on firearms and several other items. They are treated just like other personal property
My firearm collection is not as extensive as many here. I own very few center-fires at this point. If I owned high dollar guns I might look at coverage that was broader than my normal personal property coverage.
I suppose my biggest concern here is listed, specific firearms with serial numbers. I am NOT saying "no insurance!" and not saying "bah, do it anyway!" either. I'm simply saying... this is immediately where my mind goes:

With all the data breaches we see today, I absolutely hate the idea that a detailed list of specifically these items and specifically tied to my physical address exists.

You can say "tinfoil hat" if you wish, I'm not (necessarily) talking Red Dawn where the commie invaders go door to door. I suppose I'm not even saying that some pimple face junior HS Mom's basement hacker spreads my info far and wide just for sport.

What occurs to me is mid-level employee at the insurance company just happens to tip off friends in the B&E business. Sure, his employer pays out, but that isn't coming from his paycheck... meanwhile he makes a few hundred or more for a couple of residential addresses.

Maybe I've seen too many movies, but it's where my mind goes on this subject.
I suppose my biggest concern here is listed, specific firearms with serial numbers. I am NOT saying "no insurance!" and not saying "bah, do it anyway!" either. I'm simply saying... this is immediately where my mind goes:

With all the data breaches we see today, I absolutely hate the idea that a detailed list of specifically these items and specifically tied to my physical address exists.

I agree. One of the things that brought me to is that they don't require an itemized inventory. (At least, that's my recollection. No, I don't know how they do it.) From their web site:

No serial numbers required

You do not need to provide serial numbers in order to insure your collection.
is that they don't require an itemized inventory

Well then that begs the question of should I personally keep an inventory of the guns I have or the guns I'd like to have...:D

Disclaimer: the poster is speaking theoretically and hypothetically and any other -cally you care to name so he won't get in trouble with the moderators and he would never ever even suggest anyone do anything illegal, immoral or any other i- that you can think of.
I have photos of all my guns, cameras with serial numbers, and receipts. I also have the same for all my TVs, home theater equipment, etc. Along with a video of basically everything in the house and garage (minus clothes, shoes, etc).
But they are not on the internet, they are not with the agent. Agent noted a record is nice but he did not need one when he wrote the policy.
So all this info is in a bank security box, that I can obtain on basically any weekday; minus some holidays.
Could someone break into my bank box? Yes. But I feel that will happen after I win the Utah state lottery.:D
Another collectinsure customer, nothing on file with them but I do have records and photos stored in several different places. IIRC they do require that your safe weigh at least 325lbs.

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I too have photos of all my guns, an inventory with serial numbers, and receipts.

If something happens, I want to be able to prove what I own. Even if the insurance company says the don't require a list of items to bind the policy, they WILL need one before they'll pay a claim. You have to prove what what was damaged/taken.