Sir William
New member
I was just thinking over a few incidents, statistics and media bias. 47 of 54 IIRC, "terrorists" legally filled out 4473s, passed NICS and legally purchased firearms. The TX courthouse killer legally owned and under current R&Rs was NOT barred from legally purchasing firearms according to the BATF. The Atlanta courthouse killer used a legally purchased and government issue weapon AFTER beating down the deputy. The point? The firearms are innocent. The victims of violence were innocent. The CRIMINAL offender is the issue. I simply feel that the ability to ignore any moral, legal or philosophical reasons to stop violent actions is an individual malfunction. The mechanical action of any firearm is inanimate. The finger on the trigger is responsible. I hope that fact is recognized. The RCMP Mounties were ambushed by an evil man. The weapon was not, cannot be held responsible. The actor is the only item to be concerned with. I hope that the fellow citizens we elect, the courts, the LEOs and the media realise that a fist, a rock, a edged weapon, firearms, vehicles and pointy sticks are NOT at fault. The mindset, the willingness to BE violent and the individual malfunction are to blame. Anger management? Counseling? Protection of the accuseds rights? Jury biased by shackles? Questions are asked. There are not many answers though. Fair, balanced and unbiased justice is a myth. The hindsight view is that the killers should have all been considered dangerous and handled differently. How? Nobody seems to have any consistent answers. Individual, case by case, each case is individually dynamic and many other words are used to stay a firm and overpowering state presence. Yes, I said that. There is a way to stem the violence. It restricts freedom and treats the criminal as, well, a criminal. It is a solution. It also frightens me. We do need to draw a line in the blood of the innocents. I see no room for any compromise. Guilty until proven innocent? My own concern is with the public (me) safety. I really can't become sympathetic with criminals, rapists, murderers, child molesters, porno addicts, drug addicts or marijuana farmers. Is this lack of empathy wrong? I guess my attitude is bad, my intentions are good. I remember shackled chain gangs and striped inmate clothing. I think a unkind, unsympathetic and unchanging attitude towards crime, criminals and stricter control is demanded. Ban crime, destroy criminals and make criminals into pariahs. Think about those words in a different context. Ban guns, destroy firearms and make gunowners into pariahs. The firearms aren't to blame. Prosecute the criminals. Label the criminals. Banish the criminals. Give me protection from crime and criminals or give me a CCW. Sorry Patrick.