Firearms in checked baggage?


Well i live in texas and am gonna be taking a trip up to see some family. I'm planning on taking my mauser and .45 with me (since there's not many places to shoot here, and they live out in the country) but i don't know if it's legal for me to check a pistol at the airport considering i'm 19. I've been looking around and am getting conflicting answers from various people. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks, joel
One of the things it says very plainly on the form I was given the times I checked a handgun is "I do state I am in legal possession of the checked firearm and I am at least 21 years of age." Whether that is industry wide or just an issue with United I do not know. I do not believe age is mentioned in the actual legal regulations. I am betting it bows to local state laws regarding transport.
Make doubly sure you are not going to be in conflict with state laws at your destination.

Call your airline and check the TSA site. They may have a specific policy.
I'd never put anything of value in checked luggage. (I mean inside a suitcase) I know too many people that have 'lost' cameras, jewelry, etc. that they checked without thinking about it.

Contact the specific Airline for their regulations. Most require a lockable 'airline approved' case and have specific instructions for checking them. You can find decent aluminum or polymer ones that meet the airline regs and almost any decent sized gun shop or the big box stores like Cabela. I know many people that have checked their guns in the proper cases and according to airline check in procedures without any problems.
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Just for the record, what are your local laws (and the ones of your destination) regarding anyone under the age of 21 possessing/transporting a handgun?
I have checked guns many many times....No problem in your luggage as it must be locked....

Usually if I have a rifle/shotgun that case is either on the oversize area or in the office for pick-up.

My pistols, I use a locked hard case, inside a lockable hard have to declare it at the counter, get a tag, put it inside, go to the security check point, declare it again, (they look at the tag that is inside with the weapon, then lock everything....

I think you are just out of luck because of your age however.
I have flown with guns a few times. They are always the first thing to come off the baaggage claim and the baggage employees are always there to get the case and check my ID.

Just make sure you have a good lockable airline approved case and declare it at the ticket counter.
This post is in danger of starting to appear a bit "troll-ish" since the OP has not returned to address any questions after commenting on being under 21 and wanting to travel with firearms.
This post is in danger of starting to appear a bit "troll-ish" since the OP has not returned to address any questions after commenting on being under 21 and wanting to travel with firearms.

Not everyone sits around a computer all day, considering it was posted yesterday afternoon before this time of day. It would be reasonable to expect that the OP might check it around the same time today, if not, then maybe so.
I think your age may come in to play. In many states you can possess a handgun at 18, you just cant buy one. Even at that, and both states, leaving and arriving, it is legal, your age will be a point of dispute and folks will give you crap about it. Best leave it at home.
Yep, I think you are probably going to have trouble with your

age... you said with family... what does that mean.. Parents?...

depending on how long you are going to be gone, possibly your or an older person in the family could ship the guns to your/themselves and back again when returning... No need for an FFL with with.