Firearms Academy of Seattle

John Nichols

I am posting this here at the request of a fellow instructor who saw it on an email list and thought those here should be warned as well.

My recent experience indicates caution is called for when dealing with an organization called "Firearms Academy of Seattle", managed by a Marty Hayes.

To establish my credentials (not AT ALL to brag): I have taken over a dozen firearms training courses over the last 20 years from varied top-flite trainers (Jeff Cooper, Chuck Taylor, NRA Law-Enforcement Instructor courses, etc). I teach firearms techniques from pistol to smg and have brought in nationally-known instructors into my area to teach as well.

Bottom line: I know very well how this game is played, from standpoint of student and of

The Problem: I contracted with Firearms Academy of Seattle to attend a Tactical Rifle/Shotgun course and sent in my deposit.

Four (!) days prior to the course, I received a phone call saying the course is simply canceled due to "scheduling problems". The official story is that Hayes and the instructor "miscommunicated on the dates".

Actually FAS changed the course date and failed to confirm that the instuctor had understood the change. FAS left it unconfirmed until four days before the course.

That's not a mistake. That is negligence.

This was no act of God, nor of the instructor not showing up. It was unprofessional, boneheaded negligence in the FAS organization

Additionally, Firearms Academy of Seattle COULD have held the course one week later, as was originally scheduled. This would have significantly lessened the impact of their negligence. FAS chose not to do so.

Such an elemental blunder at such a late date and such indifference to paying students are _absolutely_ inexcusable in my opinion and in my experience. A PROFESSIONAL CHECKS SIGNIFICANT DETAILS WELL IN ADVANCE. REPEATEDLY! That is what a professional is PAID FOR! Also I find the shrug and "Gee whiz, we're sorry." attitude professionally insulting.

Firearms Academy of Seattle offered NO amends for their reneging on their training commitment - not so much as a free coke. I will not go into the preparations (travel, equipment, etc) required for my attending the course, but they were significant. Their refunding my deposit does not EVEN NEARLY square things!

Had I tried to pull a similar last-minute persian carpet story on THEM about a "scheduling error" Firearms Academy of Seattle would have (rightly) kept my deposit. Should you decide to attend a FAS course, I recommend you require FAS send YOU a performance deposit.

Apologies don't feed the bulldog. If I tried to run my business in such a cursory manner, I would be on the sidewalk rather soon.

Some may have had other experiences with FAS. Others still may say that "everyone makes mistakes." (although this was no mere mistake!) Nevertheless I will not consider taking another class from Firearms Academy of Seattle. In my actual experience, they are simply not to be relied upon.

I do not post this in anger, but in professional disgust. Things like this give the whole training industry, of which I am a part, a bad name.

You will probably see an orgy of flames following this post, probably from FAS employees and hangers-on questioning my character, my qualifications my veracity and probably my spelling. Nonetheless, the facts remain: Firearms Academy of Seattle is simply NOT TO BE RELIED UPON!

Take heed or not as you choose. You have been warned.

John Nichols
Sorry to hear of the experience and I assure you you will not be flamed on this Board. At least not as long as our Members honor their Registration agreement(and Dennis is Moderator ;)).

However, I am surprised. While I've never met Marty, he's a valued member of the Orange Gunsite family and frequent contributor to the API List. Have you attempted to contact him personally?

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 16, 1999).]
I'm glad you posted this here. While Tactics-L is a great resource, some of the members just love to argue, flame, and play with words.

While some on Tac-L have been insulting and snide, Mr. Hayes' reply indicates that it was a true screw-up, without malice, and he accepts full responsibility.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Either I failed to notify Ken, or he failed to write down the change, but Mr. Nichols is right, the dates were not confirmed in writing. (For the sake of this argument, let's just say that I failed to notify Ken of the conflict, and it is ENTIRELY my fault, and I take full responsibility for the error). So, for the past year, we have been enrolling students for a course on the 18/19, that Ken was going to teach on the 25/26.[/quote]

He refunded deposits to those enrolled in the class to those who so requested, and rescheduled others.

Without other examples of boneheadedness on the part of FAS, I'd conclude this was a single, simple mistake. Anyone else have good, bad or ugly things to say about FAS or Mr. Hayes?

BTW, I'd be rightously pissed off, too, had I been denied a chance to train under Hackathorn. And welcome to TFL, John - stick around, I think you'll like it.

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited September 16, 1999).]
Rich Lucibella wrote:
> Sorry to hear of the experience and I
> assure you you will not be flamed
> on this Board. At least not as long as our
> Members honor their Registration
> agreement(and Dennis is Moderator ).

Much obliged. A professional forum for discussion is much appreciated, if only for its rarity on the net.

> However, I am surprised. While I've never
> met Marty, he's a valued member of the
> Orange Gunsite family and frequent
> contributor to the API List.

I too am an Orange Gunsite Alumni and contribute regularly to API List. :) However, this incident does not relate to API to my knowledge.

BTW, I have learned to not put much stock in resumes beyond being table stakes and ante for advanced training.

Hell, current rumor is that Lon Horiuchi is a Gunsite alumni (NOT orange Gunsite, I'm happy to say.)

> Have you attempted to contact him
> personally?

I contacted both Hayes (email) and Hackathorn (phone) and got thier side of the story before I posted anything.

In response to Mr. Nichol's "caution", I would be happy to discuss the matter outside this forum with anyone who inquires, my e-mail address is

Marty Hayes, Director
The Firearms Academy of Seattle, Inc.
Welcome to The Firing Line. I respect your decision not to air your response publicly and appreciate your quick response to my own email request.

Clearly, John has the consumer's right to vote with his feet. However, I'm glad to know there's another side to the story.

While I'm not one to judge, it appears to me that you're both correct in your actions. You've readily admitted to a scheduling error and tried to make that right. John, as a consumer, chooses not to accept the situation.

In any case, if no one else from TFL chooses to avail themselves of FAS' expertise, I will! If I ever get anywhere near your part of the country, you can expect an application from me.
Well, I'm planning to get some pretty intensive pistol and carbine (maybe shotgun) training in the next few years, and FAS is still on my short list... Heck, one of my brothers is in Spokane, and he bought me my first pistol (it's all his fault, really!) - maybe I need to visit him and take a little trip to Seattle.
I see there is some comment about the blasting M. Nichols got on the tactics list. The reason was, although Mr. Nichols stated his side of the story, he certainly wasn't willing to be forth coming with the whole story and implied that he neither recieved a refund or that Marty and FAS took anything but full responsibility for the scheduling mix up. BTW being the person most likely to pick Ken up at the airport and having discussed that with him I know it wan't entirely one person's fault. NOT that it matters.

One of the responses was correct though. Ken Hackathorn's training is intense and well worth the time and money. Being one of the dissapointed this time myself, I can attest to the loss of a training event just not the childish rebuttals made on the tactics list.

For those interested I suspect Hackathorn will be back to F.A.S. in the spring for another rifle/shotgun course and the very popular pistol course.

R.D. Burns
I took FAS 2 earlier this year. The two day class was well worth the money. At the beginning of the class, FAS tells you if you are not totally satisfied with their training, they will refund your money. On Sunday evening none of the students asked for their money back. I would not hesitate to recommend FAS to anyone. I will be taking more of their courses in the future. FAS is a first rate outfit.

Mr. Nichols,

Scheduling problems happen. Human's make errors. FAS has publicly admitted their error. Get over it.

At my request Rich changed the topic header for this thread and unintenionally deleted a previous post in which I had made in reference to F.A.S. and their professional level of instruction and business behavior.

Marty's comments hopefully addressed anyone's interest and concerns for the F.A.S business practices. Feel free to contact him, as he mentioned, if you would like further info.

Just to clarify my standing in the discussion
I am on staff at F.A.S, as well as Rangmaster in Memphis, Tenn. I am also a LE instructor for weapons and tactics at two municipal depts and one county sheriff's office. I have taught at several nationally known schools. I pride myself with only working with professionals like Ken Hackathorn, Jim Cirello, Marty Hayes, Tom Givens, Jim Higgenbotham and John Shaw.

By Mr. Nichol's geographical position in the NW he is in direct competition for students with F.A.S.

Mr. Nichols comments on his concern for others attacking his credibility should be noted and considered. His claim to professional stature is a obvious question from his recent comments here and his tirade on the Tactics List and his inability to answer simle questions with clarity.

F.A.S. offers a "complete satisfaction or a 100% money back guarantee". I have worked with Marty for the past three years and NEVER has anyone requested a refund.

Professionals like Hackathorn, Rauch, Givens, Higgenbotham, Ayoob, Farnam, Taylor, H&K, WSLETA, among others all come to F.A.S over many options available in the NW, because they have a superior facility and offer excellent instruction. F.A.S.'s longivity in the business defines their professionalism and their business practices.

Marty may not care to defend himself or F.A.S. in a public forum, and does not need to.

I on the other hand am unwilling to watch unjust, untrue and just plain misinformation and alligations be made against a fine school and a fine program.

In fact, I do know true profesional standards.

F.A.S. does also and maintains them. It's quite clear so does it's owner Marty Hayes.

There is no better value for your training dollar in the United States. That is my personal guarantee.

R.D. Burns