Firearm thefts in your area?


New member
Lately there has been a rash of thefts specificaly for firearms around my area in TN. Many houses in a certain area are being broke into while the owners are away and all their guns are stolen. From the number of houses broken into each night and the selection of victims (usualy well armed victims) and the method in which it is happening it has been carefully planned out. Is this happening in your area or is it just mine?
Nothing like that here (that I've heard about). The newest Stupid Perp Trick hereabouts is yelling "Police! Search Warrant!"

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
Coming home from work a couple of weeks ago my wife drove into our neighborhood and found (1) a police officer on every corner, (2) a patrol car on every street, and (3) a police helicopter overhead. She asked the nearest officer what was going on. He said two men had just broken into a nearby house and made off with a number of guns (didn't say how many). The men were not caught.

Two weeks later somebody broke into a local police supply store--this place is plastered with alarms--and stole 24 pistols.

Probably a coincidence. But I figure that criminals are resourceful and will open as many avenues to the procurement of firearms as are closed by the authorities. IWO, if we make it tougher for criminals to get guns one way, like buying them illegally at the local sporting goods store, they'll find another way, like stealing them or smuggling them. Of course, we should still try to keep guns out of the hands of criminal--just not with the expectation that they'll remain disarmed for long.


[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited September 22, 1999).]
Solo, Is there a gun buyback program going on
in your area? Firearms do seem to be a top priority for burglers.
Best Regards,
HA! HA! HA! :) a gun buy back in TN, thats pretty funny. But on a serious note that is good thinking. These criminals could go and sell these guns in other states with buy back programs and there would be no questions as to where the guns came from.
DANG fellers, yall ever hear tell a them new fangled fancy store bought metal gun boxes they come out with?
Me thinks they call 'em GUN SAFES.

Yeah-Yeah, I know. There's one in every group.

Just one of the Good Guys
Gun buybacks are where you get rid of junk. Methinks gun shows are where you can easily sell stolen guns for what they're worth. At least, it's always worked for me. No questions asked.
Larry P, Are you telling us that you sell stolen guns at gun shows? I looked at your post several times and I'm not even drinking!
Tell us it ain't so.