Firearm Safety, Hunting Safety Class

Harley Quinn

I recently enrolled my Grandson into a class about the rules and safety about Firearms, Hunting and basics on firearms, Archery and other hunting equipment and how to stay warm and not get lost, etc. and what is important about following the rules set down by the state of California.

It did not go well for him. He was asked, like all the others there, his name and what he liked to hunt. He told them his name and said he did not want to kill anything he was there for the information and rules regarding it. This was at the start of the class.

That was a mistake. He caught a lot of flack and ruined his day, (or made it I am not sure). Most if not all were ragging him and caused him quite a bit of discomfort. A friend of his was with him who said he liked to hunt Blah Blah and had no problems, except he did stick up for the grandson and along with the attitude that developed it was unpleasent.

My Grandson did not allow anyone to run roughshod over him and gave as good as received. I don't think it helped in the Democratic process.

The people who feel that if you don't want to hunt you should not be in the class. Therefore it is their right to act like you are wrong and they are right or the otherway around.

I wish I would have been at the class. I chose not to since he was with a friend who is 19, and he is 17, I felt there would not be a problem.

I asked him if it hurt his ego and he said NO. It only strengthened his feeling about not wanting to kill things.

He mentioned the Tri Tip sandwiches were good, he had two of them.

Any input?

The facilitators/teachers of this class should be reprimanded for allowing this to happen. They either did not have control of the classroom, or were joining in with the bashing probably in an attempt to change his mind.

Either way it's disrespectful, ignorant, and contrary to the purpose of the course.

He's a smart young man.
I agree with Trip20.

Now: Given my own background, growing up with farming/ranching/hunting since many decades ago, I would discuss the issue of hunting as part of what people do who want to provide their own meat, or who want to protect their property against certain varmints. The "Have you thought about this view?" sort of thing. 17 strikes me as a bit young to have a firm philoosophy of that sort, about hunting. I tend to wonder a bit about squeamishness over philosophy...

:), Art
Thanks for the input

He is pretty smart, but he is having some problems with making good decisions at this time in his life.
He may have been goaded and then returned the same back and it esculated, he did not go back in the afternoon until the test was to be taken and then he did not turn his test in. So he basically failed it.

He may be squemish. I know he is a very picky eater. With the amount of young people being shot and dying around here and the war. I am going to have to get some more input and dwell on this somemore.

Thanks for the answers, would appreciate more input.

Its a difficult one really, he is growing up and part of that is starting to make decisions, not always from the viewpoint that he may have later when he has seen a bit more. I would try to get him to take a more middle of the road, dont condem it till youve tried it kinda route. But at that age everything tends to be black or white no shades of grey, so it might take a while. He also might want to re look at taking the test for his own education and benefit, never mind the idiots who dont live and let live, I agree with Art that he is a bit young to be fixed in his view, but it comes back to age and the no shades of grey thing. I hope you can persuade him to try again and ignore the others, but not just say "he doesnt believe in killing things" explain it is better diplomatically, to say he hasnt been hunting yet and wants to get the safety angle right before trying it. This is not lying it is avoiding confrontation.
I have daughter who loved to go hunting from 4 yrs old and eat everything we shot, now she still likes to go shooting on targets and stuff but doesnt hardly eat any meat except chicken and processed crap. but shes 25 now so I have to keep my counsel and be glad she still like shooting. My son likes eating the stuff but tends to prefer playing with autos to going shooting except when I pay the tab! and hes 36 so I get no change only short change outa him.
Thanks Foxman

I believe you are pretty close to the way I would like to handle it, but will let it sit for a week or two and then talk to him about it more.
We just finished getting the ground ready for a garden he was happy and worked right along. Agriculture 101 is going fine.

You sound like a great Grandfather, Harley. I hope he grasps on to one of these hobbies and gets on track. He'll remember these activities forever.
I know a lot of people who love to shoot, but don't hunt. There is nothing wrong with not being a hunter. The information put out at these classes is good for anyone to know. Tell your grandson to stick with it and learn what he can at this class.
Thanks guys

I am trying, he really is a very nice young man. He is out playing basketball with some amigos right now. We have a curfew in the town, 10pm. He usually gets in about 9:30.

I was telling him about the crime esculating in the Sacramento area being the highest in the state, and to be careful. He said, always.:)

I enrolled him in a Drivers Ed course and he is going there this week 8 to 3.
I'll get some feed back on this one, hope it goes better. He had to look over my vehicle as home work, told me it was in good condition, it passed his exam. LOL.

Keep in mind I have been drinking before the post.

I am going to take the same course on saturday(Cali). I have flipped through the course book just to see what's in it. Based on the book, even if you don't plan on hunting, every one should take the course. The book in and of it self is very informative on gun's in general. I look forward to taking the course.
Sending your son (hunting or not) is a good move. Some people are so fanatical there is nothing you can do aboutl it.
Omega Blood

You are right the book in itself is worth the money, even if you don't attend.

Hunters are a good group usually, they just like to be right all the time. LOL
They want their rights but are sometimes forgeting others. I believe it is one of the reasons they find it hard to find land to shoot on, they are not that respectful even when given permission.

I was involved with a gun club for years. Board of directors, President, the whole nine yards.
The dues were not that much and when you needed some one to help at the range it was like you thought they were going to have to give up their eye teeth. It was quite an experience.

I have done further investigation since my last post. He never turned in his test to be scored when it was over, he threw it away. I asked him why, he said he would not be hunting and it did not matter. The instructor was baffled by his attitude, but he did say the class was pretty disruptive because of him. :confused: But, now this is weird, he (the instructor) said he could take it again :confused:

Good luck, and don't imbibe while at the location, that is a rule:D Drinking that is :rolleyes:

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