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Big Shrek

New member
Dang near everyone here has a CC permit of some sort...
but do you also have a Fire Extinguisher in your vehicle, and your home?

The Jacksonville, FL crash that killed four reminded me of a few things...
1. If you are involved in a crash that goes bad and flames up...
you BETTER have an empty FE by the time FHP arrives.
Being a slightly-singed attempted-hero is far better than being the guy who just let a family of four fry.

2. Always have a knife, or one of those nifty safety hammers with seat-belt cutter.
Get the Kids out and to safety FIRST. Worry about the adults after.

3. First aid kit...have one...toss a few extra burn treatment packs in.

4. If you are even slightly unsure of FE use, stop by a local Fire Dept...
they are always MORE than happy to teach folks how to use one :)

Was a Volunteer FF for slightly over 21 fire doesn't scare me at all.
I know it, know how to deal with it, and know how to treat the injuries after.
It is something that really Everyone should have in their skillset.
Far more likely to have to deal with a fire than use your firearm in self defense or defense of others...
so you might as well be prepared :)
Very good point that all should heed. I keep a fire extinguisher in my truck and have for many years. Last summer my lawn tractor caught fire when a fuel line separated. Ran to the truck and grabbed the fire extinguisher from behind the rear seat and back to the tractor, pulled the pin, took aim aaaand... 'pfft'. Nothing.
Service any fire extinguisher that you keep in your home, garage, or automobile so that when the time comes that you need to use it you'll know that it will function. Just sayin.
Well, I have a few fire extinguishers at home but not in the car. I'll let that burn. My insurance company will pay me for a car one year newer. And being in NJ, we're not allowed to carry. Maybe someday.
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