Fire With Fire, Or A Pipe Dream?


New member
Here's a question for any legal types lurking here. Could people who are now buying guns who's prices have risen as a result of all the legal actions the cities have filed, file an action against each of those cities in local small claims courts? I'm not asking if it was winnable, but could they get into court?

The reason I'm asking is that I wonder what would happen if 10,000 people, in 1,000 counties, in 50 states filed actions against each of those cities, forcing those cities to at least respond to each those actions (costing a ton of money) or default.
These best tack would be to file Conpiracy against rights suits against the City atty or the council for conspiring to deny your civil rights under the Bill of Rights. It's Title 18,CH 13, Section 241... do a search here for detail Topic: Gun Control vs. U.S. Code 3-15-99

Basically states that if two or more persons conspire to injure , oppress , threaten, or intimidate any person..... in the free excercise or enjoyment of any right or priviledge secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States...... shall be fined or imprisoned or both.

Jump on it !!! It would get to the Supreme Court pertty fast , wouldn't take but a couple of good cases.

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Menos, Could this tack really be taken? There are quite a few cases out there that are entirely amazing to me.
Good Shooting, Hank
The <a href=""> Second Amendment Foundation </a> has already filed a suit based in part on conspiracy to deny rights. Another organization (I think it was the Southern Law Center) is considering filing a similar suit.


[This message has been edited by rod (edited July 03, 1999).]
I don't know if this would even hold water, but the idea was not so much to win a bunch of suits but to file so many in so many places that it would become ungodly expensive for the cites to respond. Lets say it costs them an average of $2,000 each to respond, times 10,000 suits - thats $20,000,000.
