Fire Mission! Us magazine cover story hit piece on Sarah Palin. Link inside.

Is that it? She called somebody fat? :rolleyes: Oh my God!

And the standard knock on all women who don't stay home and bake cookies is that she is difficult to work with.

By the way, this is the wrong forum.
Saw an interview with Susan Estrich (liberal, feminist and long time Hillary supporter, etc.) last night.

When asked about the presses treatment of Palin she said something to the effect that it was by far the most biased and shameful reporting she'd ever seen. She said the main stream media should be ashamed of much of what it is printing.

She said that although she didn't share many of Palins views that she (Palin) did not derserve the unfair and unfounded press coverage that she was getting.

With comments like that from someone like Estrich (who I deeply respect even though I don't share her views on most things) what could we expect from a rag like US??
Ha! I just had an inspired vision of how Sarah Palin should combat all this media nonsense. The Palin family should make a cheesy retro 1950's style recreational home movie of the whole family out target shooting, turning various newspapers and magazines into confetti by using really powerful and intimidating small arms that would be perfectly natural to own in Alaska.

Voice over: "...and here is Sarah Palin with a new Smith and Wesson .500 Magnum. Wow! What are you going to do with that Sarah?"
(Camera shows a smiling Sarah Palin holding a REALLY big revolver and a copy of Us magazine. Next, shows Sarah firing the revolver and the magazine disintegrating).
Voice over "...that story was EXPLOSIVE!"
I wonder if Joe Biden will say that Gov. Palin is not ready to be Vice President? If he does, the McCain campaign can put that up alongside Biden's remark that Barack is not ready to be President. They can then say, "Well, at least he's consistent in his criticism of others".
There is no doubt that the media at large is out to get Palin. It is so obvious with the attacks on her personal life, and her family. It really sad to watch, but she should have expected no better treatment. Right now the media seems to be more interested in "baby gate" than her ethics violations, and her flip-flop on the "bridge to nowhere". Maybe after all this nonsense about her personal life is over the media will finally delve more into her political background.
Though hailed by many family-values supporters for standing by her daughter during her difficult time, Barbara Belknap, former president of the National Organization of Women's Juneau chapter, is less glowing: "Here's a textbook case of how abstinence - only doesn't work in practice, even if your mom's the governor."

sounds unbiased to me...

Us is owned by an Obama donor Jann Wenner, the founder of Rolling Stone . . . and a big-time donor to Barack Obama. How big a donor?

Obama, Barack WENNER, JANN S
Obama, Barack WENNER, JANN S
NEW YORK,NY 10104 WENNER MEDIA/OWNER 10/24/07 $2,000
Obama, Barack WENNER, JANN S
Edwards, John WENNER, JANN S
NEW YORK,NY 10104 WENNER MEDIA/CEO 5/18/07 $1,000
Obama, Barack WENNER, JANN S
NEW YORK,NY 10104 WENNER MEDIA/OWNER 5/8/07 $1,000
Obama, Barack WENNER, JANN S
NEW YORK,NY 10104 WENNER MEDIA/OWNER 10/24/07 $850
Obama, Barack WENNER, JANN
NEW YORK,NY 10104 2/29/08 $-850
Obama, Barack WENNER, JANN S
NEW YORK,NY 10104 WENNER MEDIA/OWNER 10/24/07 $-850
Obama, Barack WENNER, JANN S
It just goes to show how afraid the media is of Sarah Palin. She is a regular person, like you or me. She is not a carreer politician. She got into politics because she didnt like the way things were going here in Alaska. Compared to Obama, there is no contest. Thats why the liberal media has launched an all out smear campain against her and her family.

I mean, the fact that they are quoting the boyfriends "myspace" page, about the daughters pregnancy, is absolutely ridiculus. You have a few choices on the topic of kids; "Expecting" "I don't want kids" "Proud parent" "No answer" "Someday" "Undecided" or "Love kids, but not for me." Thats it. Someone didnt update their myspace page, and its national news. I cant believe it.

Sarah Palin is one of the best things thats happened to this state in a long time. Sure shes not perfect, but who is? She will bring nothing but good things to the Whitehouse.
That magazine is about as ligitimate as Weekly World News, and less entertaining. Are we going to see an article in a month about how she is Bat Boys mother?
I know as a candidate she is supposed to take the high road, especially right now, but it would be so nice to see some people slammed with slander and liable suits when this is all over.....:barf:

Hey, if any of the people who make negative comments about Palin are black, we could claim racism too....oh, I forgot, it doesn't work for us....and it would lower us to their level....