Fire Arms Industry Compromises?


New member
The fire arms companies,anyways most of them,
have been notified by their insurance
underwritters that their insurance companies
WILL NOT PAY for the cost of defense attournys.
This leaves fire arms manufacturers
high & dry, or hanging out to dry in the wind. If the firearms industry wants to win these lawsuits, they must bear the cost of legal defense out of their own pockets.

Hence we see the smaller companies going out of business, such as Davis and Loricin and mid sized companies, such as Colt
cutting deals not to supply the civilian market and only supply police & government.

I forsee other firearms companies
settling out of court instead of paying the cost of legal defense.

The gun grabbers have sprung another trap on us. We will still have the right to keep and bear arms , just no one left to buy
arms from.As the gun supply deminishes, the price per gun will increase accordingly.

Many gun shops may go out of business
as the insurance companies refuse to sell them libility and legal defense insurance.
Again , the supply of guns decreases
and the price per gun rises accordingly.

In a year or two, only the gun shops
making the most money will be able to afford to keep libility insurance ,while their compediters go out of business.3 years from now, only 4 gun shops per state survive and these get together to adjust the price of firearms upwards accordingly.

I fear we observe the begining of the
end game, here & now. with 9,000 batf agents
and only 4x50 gun shops left in opperation, with 200 gun shops left
there will be 45 batf agents available to monitor each gun shop.

These are my predictions for the year 2003 from my Acme Brand rtm. crystal ball .
It will be interesting to see just how far off I am.

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 10, 1999).]
coinneach-- I have a computer generated pass
word that is real tough to get right the first time, so t or tp =test or test post
then edit to include contents. I cant begin to tell you the posts I have lost because
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I try to learn better from my mistakes.