Finn Mosin or Soviet one?


New member
I've got both, one 1934 Tula all-matching parts, and a 1942 VKT one, no-matching parts. Which one has more value? Which should I keep? Thanks, THUD.-
That's a hard question.

I think those who know the story behind the Moisin-Nagant would gravitate towards the Finnish gun, and would be willing to pay more money for it.

As a general rule the Finnish guns I've worked with have been a lot more refined and a lot more accurate because of the work that the Finns put into them.

For a straight collector, it would probably be the matching Soviet gun simply because the numbers match.

I personally would pick the Finn gun.
I would keep the one that shoots better, and that may be the Finn, if the bore is real good. I assume the Russian is a hex receiver from the date, and those are climbing in demand and value over the round wartime receivers. So actually you ought to set on both of them for awhile. The Russian ones will have to dry up sooner or later. And when they dry up as imports, and disappear from the shelves, wait a year and then check what it is worth.


Which one should you keep? I don't understand the question.

Keep them BOTH!!

Seriously, the Finn is usually much smoother and generally more accurate.

A TULA with matching numbers though...

Tough decision.
First of all thanks to everyone. Yes, tough decision. I'd like to keep them both, but I must empty a little the gun safe to buy a K31.... THUD.-
In my opinion, a K31 will out-shoot the Russian and the Finn, so there's no real compelling reason to keep the Finn.
Are you guys kidding?!?! Keep both and just store them in the safe alternating muzzle up and muzzle down! You'd be AMAZED at how many rifles will fit in a 10 rifle safe (hint ... the answer 20 is wrong, but its a good start :eek: )

Just sayin', because some Finns are as accurate as anything out there. They took their marksmanship pretty seriously. There's no reason a SIG-barreled M28, for example, shouldn't shoot as well as any other milsurp on the planet. :cool:
Which one has more value? Which should I keep? Thanks, THUD.-

Finnish Mosins are generally more valuable than the Russian ones. Generally speaking of course. The Finns were also pretty anal about accuracy and again "in general" the rifles they built using Mosin Nagant recievers will usually outshoot their russian cousins. Of course the individual condition of a particular rifle trumps any general truths I can tell you. I have a M-28 Finn and a "B" Barrel M-39 Finn that are both impressively accurate. If the riflings in the 1942 VKT are in good shape I'd lose money betting that it would easily outshoot the Russian Mosin. And a lot of other WWII milsurp rifle variations as well.
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