Fingerprinting guns

Mr. Januzzo said. "It may also do away with another demand by the people who want to put us out of business, registration of all gun owners, because you already have the gun registered."

I'm concerned, obviously; What use IS this system without gun registration? So you find a casing, and if the owner isn't hip to what's going on, and doesn't take measures to change their gun's signature, you've got the serial number. This helps you how, if you don't know which serial number was sold to who, all down the trail of purchases? Are the firearms manufacturers going to register our guns for us, as suggested above?

Sic semper tyranus!
Brett: Yes your gun will be registered. The company will enter the "boreprint" with serial ## into database. If a boreprint is taken from a crime scene it will be matched with this database. If a match is found they will know which dealer was sent that gun. They will call/go to that FFL and check his 4473 "I think that is the # of yellow sheet" Which will show who bought that serial ##gun. Then they smash thru your door at 5 A.M. with black hooded armed SWAT/HRT "officers". You will get hauled out in your shorts "unless you sleep with your girlfriend in the nude" You will be handcuffed in just underware in hallway with neighbors peeking out only to be ordered by guys in black hoods to "STAY IN YOUR APT! POLICE BUSINESS!" They won't tell you what is going on or let your girlfriend get dressed for a while. Finally they will get you a pair of sweat pants to try to put on with hands cuffed. You get hauled down to local Law Enforcement Center where they will tell you they know you did IT. Your fingerprints were there, "In this case they claimed his fingerprints were on the gun" but if this goes thru ask where you ditched the gun.
Well to cut this short: He had sold the gun over a year ago and it had been resold and then stolen. There was a police report when it was stolen with serial ##. But they traced it to him thru company and FFL dealer. He normally sleeps with a gun by his bed but this was a new girlfriend and he had placed it in a drawer.
Can you imagine what might have happened??? His girlfriend answered the door opened it to the "safety chain" and they broke it open. When or if they announced themselves he didn't say. I doubt I would hear much at that time anyway.
As I said elsewhere any crook will use a stolen gun or if pro "and cheap" will just have replacement barrels to put in. I predict changing barrels will be classed with grinding off serial ##s Or any gun modification. Only gunsmiths with the equipement to "boreprint" guns will be allowed to work on guns. Can you say $$$$$$$
What a waste of taxpayer money! There are simply too many ways to easily change a gun's "fingerprint"....Glock knows it and so does the ATF.
Since when is wasting our hard earned $$ a concern to our esteemed elected critters. If they gave a rats A$$ about wastingour $$ the war on drugs would never have started; definitely not gone as far as it has today. As long as they FEEL safer and the children are safe from gun nuts the money and rights will be flushed down the toilet as per SOP.
this is GUN REGISTRATION at the time of purchase!

if there is anything that goes bang that you want, buy it before this gets pushed through

Rich ypur're 100% correct. If someone wanted to change their prints it might take all of 30 seconds. What a stupid waste of taxpayers money - but what isn't nowdays.

Do I understand that Tupperware (Austrian division) is the first one cooperating in this little farce? H-m-m-m. I guess sniffing all that polymer will eventually rot your brain! Might be something for the consumer protection agency and the NIH to get funds for a "study".

i am sure it will be a felony to deliberately change your guns fingerprint.

and felons can not own guns


"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
The computer system is for registration of all guns and owners.This is a way to make it sound good and get the money for it.Wait and see.
You can always get a brass catcher like I did
for my AR15. Who wants to leave unsightly reloadable brass laying around? ;)