fingerprint problem in Fla


New member
So I live in NJ. I could not get the local police to take my fingerprints, they said the state won’t let them do it for a gun related activity. I want a carry permit. So I hopped on a plane and flew to Florida to apply for a Florida carry permit. Everything went well I thought, I was only in the Dept. of Agriculture for about 20 minutes. A nice lady checked my paperwork (I'm a vet), she filled out the forms for me, took my fingerprints and picture and told me to go home and I would hear back in about 2 weeks. She was right, It is now 2 weeks later and I just got a notice (E Mail and postal) that my fingerprints were are, "not sufficiently legible". So now I am in the same situation as before, my state will not do the prints for me and I don't want to fly back to Florida for fingerprints. The prints must be done by a police dept. and they want them sent electronically. So any suggestions on what I should do.
Did they say why they weren't legible? Have you had something (like an injury) that made them that way?

What about a PA permit?
I would question the legality of the state not allowing the police to take your finger prints for a gun permit. Seems like a constitutional violation of your rights. A way for them to block you from getting a permit. Another back door approach to denying your gun rights.
rebs said:
I would question the legality of the state not allowing the police to take your finger prints for a gun permit. Seems like a constitutional violation of your rights. A way for them to block you from getting a permit. Another back door approach to denying your gun rights.
Given that one's constitutional right to carry a concealed pistol has not been firmly affirmed by the courts, perhaps you're putting the cart before the horse.

If you wish to discuss this further, I suggest starting a thread in the L&CR subforum.

My wife had "legibility" troubles with her prints. Tried several agencies to comply with South Carolina law. Local police, county police, a Federal agency. None could get a "good" image of her prints. These were paper and ink prints. Even tried the electronic scanner gizmo with the Tampa PD. No luck. Finally got a good set of usable prints from the Charleston County Coroner, a colleague of my spouse! Had to put rubber bands around her finger tips and get them to swell before the prints could give a good image.
^^^ FWIW my wife had a similar problem when applying for her CHL (now LTC), but TX apparently has a policy where they essentially call it good after a certain number of tries, 3 IIRC. :)

That said, it was still irritating because it delayed the process by 2-3 weeks each time, because they would send her a letter, and then she would have to make another fingerprinting appointment. :rolleyes:

(FWIW TX does not require that the prints be made by a LE agency. Hers were done by private companies.)
Fshfindr, there are certified fingerprint centers all around for all sorts of professions that require security checks; airport workers, teachers, coaches, etc. Find out if FL accepts those. My local pd wouldn't print me either when I got my fid card and I had to use fingerprint centers.
Given that one's constitutional right to carry a concealed pistol has not been firmly affirmed by the courts, perhaps you're putting the cart before the horse.

If you wish to discuss this further, I suggest starting a thread in the L&CR subforum.

no discussion necessary. sorry if I made a wrong post in a wrong area
Thank you for the suggestions. You’re right about some states making it difficult. If I could, I would move to PA or Del. Living in NJ is not fun, if you think the gun laws are bad, you should see the tax rates.
FITASC no, except for a little arthritis my fingers are OK, I just think that the lady who took the prints screwed up.
jbrown50 that is exactly I was planning, a trip to PA, I can get to Phila. in about 10 minutes. Your FBI list was a nice surprise for me. I have made a list of the towns that are close, I’ll be calling them and hopefully taking a trip on Monday. I’ll let you know how I make out.

2ndsojourn I'm in Bellmawr, you?
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Everything went well I thought, I was only in the Dept. of Agriculture for about 20 minutes. A nice lady checked my paperwork (I'm a vet), she filled out the forms for me, took my fingerprints and picture and told me to go home and I would hear back in about 2 weeks. She was right, It is now 2 weeks later and I just got a notice (E Mail and postal) that my fingerprints were are, "not sufficiently legible".

I find this hard to believe because the Dept. of Ag. does prints electronically and the machines notify the person taking the print as to whether the print is acceptable or not. Is this how your prints were taken?????
I to am in NJ. See if anybody in your area does the classes. I have a shop in North Jersey that does the class do my paperwork and my prints. It worked.
Well today I made some phone calls to PA LE's. After three calls I struck pay dirt. I left home and went to a small town in PA and had my prints taken by a nice guy cop. My prints are already in the mail headed to Florida. ;)
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I have done machining most of my life. I have an extremely hard time getting past an FBI electronic printer. Maybe your prints are too scarred up?
It won't hurt to ask the Police department at your VA Hospital. I did hard copy fingerprints for CHL's all the time up until TX went digital.