Fingerprint identifying smart holsters???

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New member
Have you guys checked out the March issue of Handguns (I think)?
Michael's of Oregon have developed a smart holster that IDs you by your fingerprint before you draw your gun. No new technology here, it's all previously proven techs.

Opinions anyone?
I'll believe it when I see 100,000 clean draws without a fingerprint mis-read, and 100,000 attempts to snatch foiled. Maybe I won't believe it even then. Besides, it's not gonna stop misuse of the weapon once it's out of the holster.
Personally I wouldn't trust it. I mean in a hurry, what if you can't line up you finger right on the sensor or you have a booger on your finger and it throws the scan off or something. I mean the furthest I would go in smart holster is maybe a holster that is activated my a ring wore by the user. When the ring get close enough to the holster, such as when you put your hand on your gun to draw, it will aloow the weapon to be released. This might help prevent gun grabs by suspects while the gun is still in the holster.
Cycle with points ignition and no cover. Electrical storm in the area. Electric motor with brush cover missing. CB freak with KW linear on a dirty rig. Partner actuates his taser. Bad battery.

So many things that can go wrong already, why add to the list.

I'd haveuse for this device that wouldn't involve a quick draw. I'd like to mount it behind my right calf in my car and unlock the holster when I pull out of the driveway. But then I can leave the gun in the car at all times. So I'd have a holster as I drive around town but a fingerprint lock when I parked.
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