
chris in va

New member
I haven't seen this discussed on the boards.

Even clipped short, my fingernails dig into my left palm when shooting my 45. Aside from wearing a glove, any ways to mitigate this?
Wow.......that's a new one on me.
I have never heard anyone say it was a problem before.

What kind of 45, and what load are you shooting?
Putting a strip of "medical" adhesive tape on your palm would stop it.../ just covering the area where the irritation is...

but I've never heard of this either...
Couple - three things.

1) Shift your grip. Instead of "meat on metal," try to get as much of your palm on top of your fingernails as you can.

2) Hold the gun more tightly. This will reduce the amount of shifting around the gun does in your hand, which in turn will reduce the friction from your nails digging into your palm. (Obviously, shift your grip to reduce contact before tightening your hold.)

3) Pull back slightly with your left hand while thrusting forward slightly with your right as you fire.

I grow my nails long. My thumb's roughly 3/4 of an inch if I had to guess. Only thing it gets in the way of is the slidelock. The others on my right hand are shorter than my thumb but still long and I've never noticed a problem. I live with them though so maybe I'm adapted.
Get a bigger gun or bigger grips. Your fingers should be just short of your palm.

CZ 97b. Not much else out there bigger.

How are you gripping it? Try shooting thumbs forward. That would eliminate the problem of your thumbs touching your palm.

Thumbs aren't the problem, it's my fingers.