Finding The Status Of Your Tax Stamp


New member
So, I was searching the internet and I found out that apparently you can call the ATF to find the status of your tax stamp. Obviously you can't use the items if you don't have the physical copy in hand yet, but it can at least put your mind at ease a bit.

The number I found to call is 304-616-4500 ( and then press 1. You just need the date it was submitted and the serial number of the item.

I'm going to call on Monday since they are closed on weekends obviously. Their message says the average wait time is five months and mine has been outstanding for about five months now so I have my fingers crossed it will come back soon. Anywho, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with calling to find their status? I'll make sure to let you guys know what they say on Monday. Any feedback is much appreciated!
Yes. I call to make sure it goes pending in a timely fashion, generally 3 weeks. Then I generally forget about it....until the tax stamp arrives.
Yes. I call to make sure it goes pending in a timely fashion, generally 3 weeks. Then I generally forget about it....until the tax stamp arrives.

That's pretty much where I am, just waiting, not much sense in getting my feathers ruffled. I didn't think about calling to see if it went in correctly though, that is pretty smart! Is it easy and straightforward or are they kind of stand-offish when you call? I always imagine the ATF as a bunch of overworked people with their ties half undone drinking their fifth pot of coffee and a marb light hanging out of the corner of their mouth.