finding an accurate cast 9mm


New member
okay, most of you have heard my dillemia with the 120 TC and the horrible accuracy they gave me(maybe better suited for a heavy-weight .380, I dunno). I followed anothers advice, mostly, and went with the lee 358-125-rf with a .357 sizing die.
was having troubles with my pot today, was just pooping out large droplets instead of a steady stream, but got a handful of decent bullets before the emptying and teardown.
they looked as if though they might hav some feeding issues with the shape

PC of course

very consistent weight between 125 and 125.3 in 20 rounds

nothing to write home about, but handsome nonetheless, over 3.9gr HP38

accurate?!? sheeeet yeah! very preliminary, but heres a 5-shot W, feeds great

shot into my controversial trapbox at 18feet
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I also size all my 9mm to .357 and found it greatly improved my groups with no leading with non PC bullets. Of course now I PC all my cast but none the less the .357 sizing seemed to be the major key.

Those are some great looking bullets and thanks for the great write up. :)
as for making the pot flow again, very easy, and works great agan, actually a little better than before

just unscrewed the pin that does the flow(surely it has an actual name), but i'll call it flow doohickey. heated it up to very hot and scraped off the excess, then lightly sanded till nice and shiney

then I used a small diamond bit from my dremel set, after running a paperclip through the bottom hole, just hand turned the diamond bit on the top and bottom of hole. then ran the paper clip some more

then heated up some lead and pourd it through the clean hole to get any garbage out, and viola, its like new
in the end, I didn't get to do nearly as much casting as I had planned on my only day off of the week, but still got enough done to do some good shooting
They look great.
Thats our favorite 9mm bullet.
.357 sized here also. Drops at 130gr with straight clip on WW for me.
thanks. like I said, these are very preliminary, only shot 5 rounds, and although seem promising, need to do a lot of testing to ensure reliable cycling, accuracy and leading(which shouldn't be a concern). hopefully ill get out Thursday and do some celebratory shooting for Georgia staying firmly a red state.(close race my heinie), anyway, not to veer, ill get out and do some more testing Thursday I hope. I forget who gave the suggestion for the 358-125-RF, but I appreciate it, I would not have tried it assuming it wouldn't feed well.

**edit: looks like "chris in va", thanks for the suggestion
That's the mold I went with after horrible accuracy issues with TC molds. I then found out the 356-125-2r mold drops at .360, so I was able to resize at 358 for my CZ. It feeds more reliably than the RF I found.