Personally I think a firearms safety promotional blitz would do more for gun safety than what they are doing... Eddie Eagle is a good start, but an on air, in your face commercial about the FACTS. That should wake up your average gun and non-gun owner. How about a poster with a handgun, and a 5 gallon bucket. Question above the two. "Which is more dangerous?"
Below each: # of accidental deaths caused by each: children age 0-18
Respond: "Make up your own mind!"
So YES, there are a number of different ideas out there to actually solve the issues out there. So how come none of the candidates are proposing them. Why aren't all the associations and organizations doing this... Because their money is all tied up in trying to prevent congress from completely taking away our rights. It's a sad state of affairs.
I think what NSSF actions show is a willingness to work with the government to control an out-of-control situation. I'm not talking about citizens and patriots having arms, it's the felons and convicts, being released early, and getting easy access to guns.
If it is true that most criminals obtain their firearms through theft, then we should be better educating the "average" gun owner. We here on this forum are probably not your average gun owner. We care about our firearms, and our rights.
So, yes, I would rather see vermont style carry all across the nation. And felons will somehow, not be able to obtain arms. And even if they do, 1 out of 10 of us would not fear defending our community from them.
But, I seem to be living in a different country than you. We have a mess right now, and it's our job to clean it and hold it back as much as possible. We have to guarantee our rights not just for ourselves, but for our decendents as well.
And I do agree, there are many laws and proclomations from the last 8 years that I want to see turned back (automatically if possible). And not just about gun control. Every group that is for the president has one that opposess it. So we keep fighting about issues instead of solving them.
[This message has been edited by KAM_Indianapolis (edited August 26, 2000).]