Finally shot my Mosin


New member
I was finally able to go this past weekend and just wow. My new favorite gun. It was more powerful than I thought it would be but the kick wasn't bad. I installed a rubber butt and it worked very well, although the gun did give me a hickee on my shoulder, broken blood vessels but no bruising. I was surprised to see the old sight adjustment work too. I was accurate standing and shooting a keg at 100 yds then at 200+ yards. Next time I will shoot from a bench to really get a since of its accuracy but man that was a blast. I was worried about a sticky bolt but had absolutely no problem. It was very smooth. I went through 40 rnds in no time at all. Now I just need to save up and buy the bulk surplus can. What an amazing gun for $100.
Sounds like fun!

Just make sure you clean it right after you shoot. Thats the only thing that sucks about corrosive ammo, you cant slack on cleaning.
Every now and then, we take nothing but old military, open sight guns out for Prarie Dogs. This is a BLAST!! Long range hits with a barrel burner are gratifying, but nowhere near as much as a 100-200yd hit on someting as small as a Prarie Dog with one of the above! Happy trails, Ralph
The mosins are probably the best deal out there right now as far as surplus rifles go and ammo is still relatively cheap and plentiful.Like the other posters said corrosive ammo is no problem just run warm water or windex through the bore after shooting and then clean normally and you wont have any issues.
I was pleasantly surprised to find my old 1943 M38 can hit a 15x15 target at 330 yards. I won't shoot the sucker on a bench though, standing only please.:p
I loved shooting while standing but after so many shots, that gun gets heavy and it's hard for me to steady. I'll either bring a bench to shoot from next time or get some shooting sticks. Of course I'll shoot standing but it would be fun to do some long long shots from a bench. I've never shot anything bigger than a .22 so this is a big jump for me. I was in the desert and not once saw a jackrabbit. I was upset about that but still had a blast owning those kegs.
i need to install the rubber butt pad on my m91, cuz it kicks like chuck norris. but overall its an accurate rifle that shoots the powerful 7.62x54r, heres a pic of mine with original pu scope.

Yeah the Mosins are an amazing value, and great fun. But I think it's possible to get accustomed to them without needing a recoil pad. First time I shot one, my shoulder was bruised and sore for some time, next few times, it seemed to have less and less of an impact. These days, I can put 40 or even 60 rounds through it with no trouble at all.
oh im accustomed to shooting the mosin, but its the aftermath that i dread lol, i play football in college and im used to pads haha.
The mosins are probably the best deal out there right now as far as surplus rifles go and ammo is still relatively cheap and plentiful.

mosins are a GREAT value. There is one thing I would rank better though... the yugo mausers you can find for 150 bucks. The ammo is just as cheap as 7.62x54r, plus the yugos basically rearsenaled old BRNO mausers and dipped them in cosmoline immediately after. I think they tend to be a bit more accurate on account of the bore being in better shape, and there is really no debate as to the fit and finish being much better than mosins.

All in all, though, mosins are a steal and a hoot to shoot.
mosins are a GREAT value. There is one thing I would rank better though... the yugo mausers you can find for 150 bucks. The ammo is just as cheap as 7.62x54r, plus the yugos basically rearsenaled old BRNO mausers and dipped them in cosmoline immediately after. I think they tend to be a bit more accurate on account of the bore being in better shape, and there is really no debate as to the fit and finish being much better than mosins.

All in all, though, mosins are a steal and a hoot to shoot.

Heh, probably true where you're located, but every time I've seen a Yugo Mauser, they were selling for more like $190. More than double what I paid for my Mosin. 7.62x54R generally seems to be cheaper than 8mm Mauser, though neither is very spendy. On AIMsurplus, you can get 440 rounds of the 7.62 for $90, and 340 rounds of 8mm for $100... that is for 10 less dollars, you get 100 more rounds if you shoot 7.62, and we're talking equivalent quality as both are spam cans of Eastern European manufacture.

Don't get me wrong, the Mauser is a great gun, still a great value, and worth having. I have had the opportunity to fire a Yugo Mauser and have no complaints, in fact I'm looking at getting one of my own. I think, in terms of bang for your buck, the Mosin is probably tops.
I love my PU for coyotes. The Czech silvertip drops them in the dirt, DRT. (I know it is supposed to be better to use expanding bullets, but the coyotes don't seem to notice.)