Finally, I have only target rifles in my safe!

cornered rat

In deference to the girlfriend who dislikes assault rifles like the kind terrorists would you (my Bushmaster HBAR15), I have got rid of all of my non-target rifles. Yessir, even my Mak90 with 75rd drums is a target rifle (the drums do make dandy palm-rests).

I just never claimed that the targets have to be inanimate. Not human, mind you, as JBTs aren't that...just not strictly paper. I suppose I could call them my skeet guns, for when SHTF.

Point is, no matter what I call them, I collect guns for their value as weapons or trainers for weapons and that's how it will stay.
At the present time, both of my AR-15's are used to shoot at paper targets. In my mind, that makes them target rifles.
Should circumstances ever dictate otherwise, I will be happy to re-evaluate their functional classification.
I have had the same problem. It was not to hard to convince my wife that the M1A I am planning on getting was for target only. The bulgarian ak-47 I purchased a few months ago was a little more difficult to explain. I had to use the "It is a rifle I am planning to sell for more later...." excuse. Unfortunately that one is wearing a wee bit thin and I am going to have to come up with a new one soon. I have heard a good one is "Someone at work needed money so he sold this to me for cheap with the promise that I will sell it back cheap later..." excuse works for awhile. :}

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen! If you go further than that, please give the cook my bio-sketch as an introduction... ;)

BTW: Aren't all firearms for shooting at targets? Those rounds that don't hit the target are normally called misses.. which coincidently may be the how we refer to the cook... I'm getting dizzy now ... need food... send cook!
Having spent a goodly portion of my life preparing to fight a war, my wife doesn't question what type of rifles I choose to keep in my safe. Well trained, she is.

Bruce Stanton
Sgt., Kings Co. Sheriff - Ret.
Mykl beat me to it. Aren't all firearms designed for firing at "targets" of some sort???

Whether my target is paper, fur, or flesh, I assume that ALL of my rifles are target rifles. :) :) :)