Finally get to go!!!!


New member
Just have to get this out of my system some how lol. For members that are scratching their heads right now, deer season in my area in SC started up Aug 15. The reason I haven't been yet is I'm currently deployed in the middle east and have been since March. Now I'm just amped up that it won't be long until we get back, start leave, and I can finally cool down in the woods. Man this has been a rough year lol. Ok, excitement contained now.
Ain't it great to get all wound tight and excited over an upcoming hunt!?? A rancher I know offered to let me buy a couple of land owner vouchers for deer tags. I hadn't drawn a tag for 2 years :mad: and this was a pleasant surprise. Now me and a buddy are all wound up and excited just like mxsailor803. Can't get this off my mind---I go to sleep thinking about it every night.

Hope ya have a great hunting season and glad you will be back on US soil. Thanks for your service!