Finally found some Franzite grips.


New member
I remember them from back in the day.
I thought they might look neato on a M25 45ACP revolver so I found a pair after some looking.


A pimped M25.... I like it. :)
Looks good. Those grips were popular in some police circles in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. I remeber a couple of local deputy sheriffs from the late 60s to the mid 70s having them on there revolvers.

That's a term I've not heard in years. Every once in awhile in the gunshop where I worked back in the 1990s we'd take in a consignment gun with a set of Franzites.
This a very old photo (ca. 1960) of my Ruger Blackhawk .357 with Franzite grips. Thought it was something then!

And, just for grins, the same gun fifty years later:

Bob Wright
Guess I am showing my age, but I kind of liked them on service revolvers.

I think the nice wood grips on the Ruger shown above are a better choice for that style handgun.
Reminds me of the fellow who was told that the "ivory" grips on his Luger were not original. He replied that they were because they were marked "Franzite" which was a German name.

There was a line of grips about that time, maybe a little later, that were somewhat better. They were solid plastic on a rosewood base, and sold under the name Jay Scott. A little more stable, they looked awful, in my opinion, with that rosewood base showing.

Another grip of the day was the Pointer Pup grips. Had no experience with them, just remember the ads of the day.

Bob Wright
And, further................

After WW II, there were many service men recovering from wounds at Kennedy General Hospital here in Memphis. I guess as part of their therapy they made things out of Lucite, amon these were pistol and revovler grips, many of which showed up on the guns of local police officers.

These grips had an ivory colored back and clear Lucite grips. Embedded in the Lucite were rose buds, four leaf clovers, whatever struck their fancy.

Bob Wright