Finally found one!


New member
Anyone here collect Makarovs? After looking for a long time at all the shows and stores, I got my hands on the elusive Norinco Makarov today. I've got the EG, Russian (adjustable sights), Bulgarian and now finally the Chinese as well. Does anyone know when they were imported? Now, if I could only find a Simpson-Suhl, I'd be set.
I don't really 'collect' them, but I have a couple. I have a Russian Baikal I bought used for $110, which got me started in the Makarovs. I recently stumbled onto a Miltex Special Edition 9x18 in polished chrome, new in the box. Since Miltex went out of business in 1998, I think this was a find. I'd like to get a couple more of these guns, starting with a stock Bulgarian. They are very good little guns. I think people are starting to figure this out, because the prices are going up.

Contrats on your Norinco. The Russian military one (fixed sights) is also one to grab if you find one.


Congratulations on finding a Norinco Mak! I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but there are at least three - count 'em - THREE different varieties of Chinese Maks. Okay, you've got your first, but now that you have a taste for them, the REAL challenge begins! HaHa, your hooked now! ;)

But seriously.......I've been collecting Maks for a couple of years now. Here is an excerpt from a post on one of the Mak forums that will answer your question about the Norinco Maks:

The Norinco
Makarov's were about the 1st Maks to be imported into the USA by
distributors (circa 1988-89). Many of the articles concerning Russian
military weapons that appeared around that time in pubs such as Guns & Ammo
and American Rifleman featured pictures of Maks that were not Russian, but
in fact Chinese Norinco imports! (you can tell by the "ZZ"serial number
prefix's). The 1st batch of Chinese Maks appear to have been imported
by"CSI" of Los Angeles. These are extremely fine weapon which are on par
with the best finished East German Maks. The trigger pull on the ones I have
surpasses my Thalmann DDR model Maks. The earlyM59's had red bakelite
military grips. Around 1992 a funky" thumb rest" was added to the grips in
order to comply with ever evolving BATF criteria. Sometime after 1992, "Beta
Arms" of Los Angeles also began importing the M59. Many of these featured a
"56" inside a triangle on the right side, with a letter prefix to the serial
# (not "ZZ"). This triangle apparently indicates manufacture by a military
factory in China. The Beta Arms Maks show machining marks under a heavy
blued finish that are not found on ZZ prefix M59's.

Around 1995 all importation of Chinese Maks came to a halt. This certainly
adds to their desirability among collectors. The prices currently range
between $160.- $250, depending on whether or not the seller realizes their
steady appreciation.

HTH, and good hunting!

Regards - Pussball
Thanks. Yep, it's got the ZZ and the grip with the star, so it's one of the early ones, and yes, it's imported by CSI of L.A. It's definitely as good as the '62 EG that I've got. I don't have any reason to believe it wouldn't be as reliable and accurate as my other maks. Now, my search for a Simson-Suhl can begin, even as I've seen those at shows from time to time for ~$250.
I know where I can get a Chi-Com type 59 for $225. As soon as I get the bucks, I'm snag'in it. ;) I just bought another EG last weekend.
Just curious, but with EG's getting pretty scarce these days, how much did you pay for yours? I saw three "excellent" condition, unissued EG's last weekend at the local gun show for $249 ea. and the guy wouldn't budge on price. I reluctantly passed since I've already got two in similar condition. Had they been around $150, I'd be looking at my third right now!

Regards - Pussball
I paid $200 out the door. Now get this. I am from Arizona, ok. Well, the serial number on this baby is AZ0297!!!!! To cool!!!! :cool:

It's accurate too!!!
One of the EG's I passed on last weekend was a '61 with a serial no. prefix AZ..... Your pistol's sister! Two hundred OTD is a great price. Congratulations on a nice find.

I recently located and ordered a NIB Norico Factory 56 that I expect to get maybe Friday.

Nice shootin BTW! ;)

Regards - Pussball
S.O.G. (Southern Ohio Gun) has East German Mak's for $149 right now. I bought one a couple months back from them and it is one of the best handguns I own. 650 rounds and not one hicup, and super accurate.