It may seem that everyone in the media is anti-gun or too scared to touch the subject with a ten-foot pole, but I found out that isn't quite so. My favorite radio station is 105.9 FM here in Nashville. Twice this week, in discussing the elections, the DJs have added "subliminally, with attitude" : AlGoreWantsToTakeYourGunsAway, and yesterday, they read a letter from a listener who ranted over our infringed RKBA. It was an exellent letter from a decent, law abiding gun owner. It was so refreshing, especially since the local paper and the news stations are backing "homeboy" Al Gore, whether it be explicitly or through biased reporting.
Has anyone in the media in your area actually spoken in our defense, or are they too timid to even bring up the subject?
Has anyone in the media in your area actually spoken in our defense, or are they too timid to even bring up the subject?