"Final" pick for competition shooting is: my 952-2.


New member
I'm considering IDPA competition. So, I tried three of my handguns at the range. My 686PP (6") probably not legal, my Sig P229 (9mm) and finally my S&W 952-2 (9mm). Of course the 952 is in a different league compared to the others, but I feel most comfortable with that gun. So, what do I do now? Or should I ask, is it fair in assuming that gun isn't feasable for IDPA? The black target sights could give me a problem. Or, should I consider another style of competition shooting with the 952?
Your 952 is fine. Being a single action 9mm P it will enter in Enhanced Service Pistol, (ESP.) A little nail polish or model paint will take care of the black front sight against a brown target.
You need gun, holster, magazines and carriers in addition to the usual stuff of eye and ear protection, ammo, and for IDPA, concealment garment of some sort.
You can carry two magazines on your belt (or otherwise on your person) for use during a Course of Fire (CoF) in addition to the one in the gun.
I would add a fourth for use like so:
Put one round in it. Use it during the "Load and Make Ready" period to get a round in the chamber and a full magazine with the minimum of fumbling.
Then when the stage is done at the "Unload and Show Clear" you will remove the last magazine that may contain unshot rounds, eject the round from the chamber, then show the Safety Officer that empty magazine and insert it to disengage the magazine disconnector so you can drop the hammer on an empty chamber.
the 952 would be a great gun for IDPA. you would shoot as Jim said in ESP.

I shoot black on black sight best..even against dark backgrounds..you'll just need to try it and take some paint to mark the front sight if you need it.

Have fun..ask lots of questions..be safe.
952-2 Long Slide

For Any One Interested,on Gunbroker.com Right Now There Is A Add For The 952-2 Long Slide For $1500 New In The Alum. Performance Center Box. I Have One On The Way. He Still Has 2 Left. I Have Been Checking Prices For Some Time Now,and This Is The Best Price I Have Found