Final count from Veto the Govenor


New member
OK... just picked this up off the Veto the Governor site. Dam! If only the bser's in Sac had not called the first petition not valid we would have made it. Well anyway.... get ready to work on the big one for our state RKBA!

SITREP 10/20/99

Several folks have asked, "What was the final count?" Everyone worked real hard and they want and deserve to know how many signatures we were able to collect. Here it is:

318,417 signatures that were probably valid were collected. Although we had an annoying number of messed up petitions (some very creative), even with the botched petitions we did not achieve our goal.

Some people have asked, "Hey, if you couldn't get 416,000 signatures, how do you expect to get a million?" Fair question. We have several advantages this time we did not enjoy with our SB23 Referendum.

1.We now have an established grassroots organization that is a remarkable base on which to build.
2.We already have over 600 locations to distribution petitions.
3.The petition itself will be much easier than the last one, which required the inclusion of the 28-page SB23 Perata bill. Our language is only 128 words. Even with the Title and Summary that is yet to be added, this petition is a simple one sheet, which can be easily produced, and copied.
4.We will be soliciting money this time, and will have the resources to conduct mailings, stage events, and advertise.
5.We will be much more structured in our organization and management.

We learned A LOT with our first effort. Even Paul Gann failed when he first tried to get Prop 13 turned into law. We can, and we will succeed.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Keep up the good fight. Doesn't sound like defeat is discouraging you from trying.

What's that old saying "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Well, ok, if they got THAT close, despite all the screwups, (Like thinking they didn't need a legal professional to look over the petition! Or that they could get by without accepting donations of money.) then I think they've got a real shot at getting enough signatures for the RKBA amendment, now that they know what they're doing, and have all the stuff in place. And then the REAL fun begins!

I'm not going to fly out to Kalifornia to circulate petitions, but they WILL be getting a check from me.

Sic semper tyranus!