Filthy, sexist gun site ...

I'm sorry ... I've withdrawn this post.

It showed "pin-up" girls with guns. I took it as a joke -- but on reflection I realise it could possibly have offended some people (even though I stress it was pretty tame).

If the general opinion is it's OK -- and that includes our lady members -- I'll repost the URL.



[This message has been edited by Bruce from West Oz (edited August 24, 1999).]
LadyDeeJ, are you serious? I always thought a woman that thought that was just a myth. Could it be that there is a promised land?

And Bruce, I'm all for the site, but didn't we go through this a while back? The admin didn't feel it was appropriate. But it's got guns!!!

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
When you've got hot steak at home, you don't go out for cold hamburgers. ;)

Nonetheless, as othermarc notes, Admin says, "Thanks but no thanks".

I would guess for three reasons:
1) Pictures really eat up computer resources, we try to keep pictures to a minimum.
2) Even if our current members say they are not offended, such pictures may be offensive to lurkers and/or potential new members.
3) It could come back and "bite" us later.

Thanks, Bruce, for understanding.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 24, 1999).]
Hey, HS? Not to quibble, but why does one of the links on your site read "The Lost B-52, P-38 SQUADRON !!"? Er, B-52 Stratofortress? The "BUFF" isn't quite that old! Shouldn't that be B-17? Although it would be interesting to see a dissimilar formation with a '52 leading some '38's!
Not to mention the fact that in this lawsuit-happy society, looking at these type of pictures at work, where some of us access the internet, could get the company and employee sued.


Or as I keep on reminding the Missus:

"Just because one's on a diet doesn't mean one can't look at the menu"

(she replies quite correctly that it can work both ways)


On the other hand, must agree with Dennis for the reasons given.

[This message has been edited by Elchimango (edited August 24, 1999).]
Frankly, I think it's in poor taste, unless it was my wife, and it was a private viewing.(my eyes only!) :)

No one else needs to fill that need for me, she's all I need!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
I agree, posting pics a bad idea, in general. I'd hate to be in a public library and to have an unsavoury photo come up!

But links....that's a completely different story. So long as the link was clearly earmarked-as this thread was-I think it should be allowed. Lest we forget, chauvanism may not be PC, but it's not illegal, either. In fact, I think it is a person's right to view those materials if they so choose. Far be it that this board infringe any rights!

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
Come on and give us the link.
I want to see the guns; who cares about the babes. ;)

[This message has been edited by Bill F (edited August 24, 1999).]
Republic Thunderbolt(The Brick With Wings ;))
What can I say but OOPS !
My mind must've been in an inverted 6G loop when I put in B-52's... :o
We had the only Aussie designed & built "Brick" too - The Boomerang(Always Came Back)
Great for dropping on the Nips from a 5000ft height advantage....LOL
Glacier Girl sure is a nice P-38 !
Pitty about the De-milled .50's though....
Really liked "Iron Eagle 3" where the '38 was fitted out with the Laser guided rockets, sure would've kicked butt in WWII if they had've had them !

"The Gun from Down Under !"