Fillers and chamber pressure?


New member
Does a Filler like COW also explode at the time of discharge and join in increasing chamber pressure?
A fellow shooter brought this point up last time I was shooting with him and it sounds reasonable...
I know COW burns up cleanly and leaves no residue in the barrel or chambers.
I just wonder if my buddy is right and it's boosting the Powder charge? It's an intresting idea.
Any opnions either way?
cream of wheat cannot explode.

not in the true sense of black powder. and it has to be turned into FLOUR first.... creamof wheat from the box isnt small enough for it. secondly it has to mix with air in a very specific ratio. then it needs to be ignited. and then the explosion is more of a very large "flash" from particle to particle.
The filler would add extra weight which would be in addition to the weight of the projectile.
That extra weight could slightly increase pressure but not necessarily velocity.
The same theory would apply to wads or to grease applied over the ball.