Figure Eight Training Drill


New member
I just saw this one in a Training Vidio and thought it was a pretty good Training Drill. It is a good drill when you can only shoot safely in a single direction on the range.

NOTE: This is an Advanced Training Drill. Begenning shooters should not attempt this drill.

This training drill should be done with a minimum of 2 shooters. We will call the one performing the Drill the Shooter. The one giving instructions we will call the Trainer for this exercise. Two shooting buddies who train together can swap out who is the Trainer and Shooter.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: 2 Barrels a Minimum of 3 Silhouettes with Target Stands, however the more Silhouettes and Stands the better. Spray Paint.

SET UP: Place the silhouettes on line with the impact berm behind them. Spray Paint random numbers on the targets. Now place the barrels on line infront of the target line about 10 feet apart.
Note this can be changed around by setting the barrels further back, as well as spacing the targets closer or further apart. You could also stagger the target array so some silhouettes are further back than others.
Safety Note: Check from each end of the barrels that all targets have impact berm behind them.

TRAINING DRILL: The Trainer will instruct the Shooter to load and make ready in a safe direction and holster. The Shooter will now start walking a Figure Eight around the barrels. The Trainer will call out numbers at random. The Shooter will locate the target, then draw and engage. The Trainer should call out non existant target numbers during the drill. The Shooter when he/she cannot locate the Number will not darw. Start doing the exercise in slow motion until both the Shooter & Trainer are both confident in your ability to orient on the target before starting your weapon presentation.
The Figure Eight Course should be ran both directions.
NOTE: Run the course cold to start with and get the feel for what you are required to do. Air Gun the targets after orientating on them. What you are working on is not making a weapons presentation until you are oriented on the target.

OBJECTIVE: While you are walking the Figure Eight the Targets will be Infront, Behind, and to Either Side of you at some point. When you run the Figure Eight in Reverse everything is changed around again. You will be required to turn in both direction to orient on the target before drawing.

AN IMPROVEMENT: Cover the Silhouettes with Different Color Tee Shirts. Instead of calling out a Number to Engage, call out a Color.

ADVANCED COURSE: You could add cardboard cut outs of Guns, Knives, Cel Phones etc to the targets. Have more than one of each color, one being a Shoot and the Other a No-Shoot. This will add Target Identification to the training drill.

This looks to me to be a very good ADVANCED TRAINING Drill. As I mentioned at the first of this post, this is not a Drill for new shooters.
If new shooters would like to attempt this drill do it COLD with a Blue Traing Gun, and not live ammunition.
Very good drill, did it during the Combat Focus shooting class.

At the end of day one with just 3 targets staged in a line parallel to the "barrels."

At the end of day two we ran it again with 7-10 targets staged at different distances.

This added the extra risk of shooting through the threat and hitting a "Bystander."

They also numbered the targets in a partially random way so there were skipped numbers the instructors could call.

To be really mean they also started calling basic math problems where the answer may or may not be one of the targets.
I like this, . . . and it will be especially good for our place as we have limited direction and angle in which to shoot.

Thanks for posting :D

May God bless,