I was stripping down my Benelli S90 last night and I got to the point in the manual where it says to remove the littlecocking handle (charging lever?) on the bolt. How do you do this (the doohickey I'm talking about is the little tab that sticks off of the bolt that you use when you want pull the bolt back). The manual says strip it off. How? easier said than done. I tugged on it for about 20 minutes last night and nothing!
I was stripping down my Benelli S90 last night and I got to the point in the manual where it says to remove the littlecocking handle (charging lever?) on the bolt. How do you do this (the doohickey I'm talking about is the little tab that sticks off of the bolt that you use when you want pull the bolt back). The manual says strip it off. How? easier said than done. I tugged on it for about 20 minutes last night and nothing!