Field and Stream article about gun innovations


New member
I found this interesting. It's a Field and Stream article about innovations in guns and cartridges.

Rifle Cartridge Technology Hasn't Changed in Ages. It's Time for Something New

Although the title says 'rifle cartridge' the article talks about Gyrojet pistols and 16-inch naval guns and rail guns.

It also gave me a pretty good explanation of the '6.8x51 Common Cartridge' being developed by the U.S. Army with Sig.

Posted for your enjoyment/amusement:
Our current society puts so many barriers in front of actual "new" things tis a steep hill to climb.

some of them (in no particular order),

popular acceptance
actual functional utility

Legality (current and future..)

SAFETY (real and percieved)

The old saying "build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door" is still kind of true, but these days, it seems that it could well be (the mice's?) lawyers beating a path to your door with injunctions and lawsuits!!

Back in the late 20th century I watched a TV show that had a point that has stuck with me, when I've forgotten about all else from the show. It was one of the "why airplanes crash" shows, and included an interview with a guy who owned a company that made magnetos for small plane engines.

The two main points he made, were "every time a plane crashes, for any reason, we get sued". But, for me, his other point was even more telling.

He went to a shelf in his office and picked up a small device, showing it to the camera.

"this is an improved magneto design. We DON'T make it! We could, but we don't. Our lawyers won't let us. Designing, making, and marketing an improved design would be considered a de facto admission that our previous product was flawed and we would be sued out of existence for having sold such a "defective" product to the public!"

That's our world today, in even more ways....:rolleyes::(