Fiber Optic Sights

Unfortunately, this is after the fact. I just ordered a set of TruGlo fiber optic sights for my Ruger P93 pistol.

Does anyone have any thoughts on these or other fiber optics sights?

Welcome to TFL.

Tru-Glo makes good sights in my opinion, and I think you'll likely enjoy the ones you've ordered. I have their sights on my Remington turkey gun, and I'm quite pleased with them. Tru-Glo sights glow brighter than all of the other fiber optic sights I've looked at so far.

As an alternative, you might check out William's Gun Sights at: I don't have personal experience with their products, but I've read that they make a good sight. They're a bit more expensive than the Tru-Glos I believe.
I do have the Williams FireSights on my Ruger P95. I love 'em. Thelma loves 'em, she's constantly borrowing the P95 at the range. Everyone who sees them is impressed.

The folks at Williams were great to deal with. I know you already ordered the Tru-Glo, Robert, but anyone else reading this thread should give the Williams sights a good look.
I appreciate the thoughts and the information about Williams Sights. One reason for asking is that I'm planning on buying a Sig P239 someitme in the next 30 days and I'm thinking I might go to fiber optic sights on it as well.

I've put new Hogue grips on the Ruger and like them so I'll probably change the grips for the Sig. However, I'll probably buy the grips locally rather than from the Hogue web sight. Once again, I learned, after the fact, that I could have saved about 6 or 7 dollars by buying them locally.

My need for the fiber optic sights is that I have a hard time acquiring the front sight if I'm trying to do rapid fire. Seems my eyesight at 60 isn't what it was at 20.:cool:
As a day light target shooting sights Fiber optic sights are great. For self defence get NIGHT sights. Over 80% of all shootings take place after dark.
I'm aware that most defensive situations occurr at night, but I live in Kansas where they don't think we're intelligent enough for CCW. So the only time I'll be using a gun for defense in within my own home which always has enough light to see simething.

Anyway, if it's in the house, it'll be within 10 or 15 feet and will be more instinct shooting that lining up the sights.

Just my guess. :o
I have a ? regarding the Williams sights.
They only offer one set of sights for all Glocks.
But everyone else (like meprolight) has 2 sights for Glocks, a 6.5mm for most models, and a 6.9mm for the G20,21,29,30. Which sight height is the Williams? Kinda wonder about the "one size fits all" products.:confused:
As for fiber optics at night, I tried mine out and found that if there's too little light to see the fiber sights, there's too little light to ID your target. EVen the backwash from a flashlight will show the sights up. Your eyes may vary, of course.
Good point about the night shooting. I've wondered, if it was dark enough for the Tritium stuff to work, how in the world would you know what you were shooting at?

Now, for you LE guys and ladies, the assumption is that you'll also be carrying a flashlight in such situations. However, for some scared civilian like me, who is trying to figure out who is walking through his house in the middle of the night, the likelihood is that I won't have both a pistol and a flashlight at the same time. That being the case, however, I am likely to know where the light switches are, more so than any midnight visitor.

At the same time, I sure don't want to shoot my wife or dogs because I was too dumb to identify my target clearly before blazing away.:eek:
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Good point about the night shooting. I've wondered, if it was dark enough for the Tritium stuff to work, how in the world would you know what you were shooting at?

Robert your a very perceptive person. Night sights are for low lighting for identifing your target you also need a good combat light with your hand gun suck as a surefire or stinger. I prefer the m3 for the glock as its on the gun and makes building searchs easier than using a 2 handed flashlight gun technique like the Harries or Rodgers method.
Night sights are for low lighting for identifing your target you also need a good combat light with your hand gun suck as a surefire or stinger. I prefer the m3 for the glock as its on the gun and makes building searchs easier than using a 2 handed flashlight gun technique like the Harries or Rodgers method.

Hi Pat,

Clearly, you're a professional at this, so you can appreciate the difference in skill levels between what you do and what someone like me is capable of doing. Hopefully, the most I'll ever do is waste a whole lot of paper targets, but if I ever have to do more, I think I'd better realize my limitations before the fact than getting in over my head and doing something really stupid. I think I'll leave the shooting in the dark to you guys. I'm going for the light switch, first thing.:D


Thanks for the compliment but in all actuality I am just a 2 year rockie cop that has a lot to learn. I would suggest you go to one of the better shooting schools when you get the time and money. It would be fun and you would learn some great skills and it may give you that edge over that bad guy and save your life. I too hope I never have to shoot anyone but I will if I have too. I have had to point my weapons at people but thank god I have not had to shoot anyone.
I see in a gun mag that Hi Viz has just come out with fiber optic sights that have tritium elements in them, so they are bright day or night. Might be worth a look!
I would suggest you go to one of the better shooting schools when you get the time and money. It would be fun and you would learn some great skills and it may give you that edge over that bad guy and save your life. I too hope I never have to shoot anyone but I will if I have too. I have had to point my weapons at people but thank god I have not had to shoot anyone.

Hi Pat,

Good suggestion. I've been thinking I'd like to take a course. Hopefully, this fall, I'll be able to find one and find the time to take it.

One thing I've heard here in the forums is that practice is essential because, if the real situation ever comes up, the adrenalin factor will screw up your accuracy something terrible. I can't imagine what it must have be like the first time you had to take aim for real.:eek:
I see in a gun mag that Hi Viz has just come out with fiber optic sights that have tritium elements in them, so they are bright day or night. Might be worth a look!
Deep in the Florida Swamps

Hey Swampland,

I love your part of the country. I get down there as often as possible.

I looked at Hi Viz and gave it very serious thought. But then, as I said earlier, if it's that dark, I'm going for the light switch. TruGlo also just came out with tritium sights, but I passed on them in favor of plain ol' fiber.:)