Feminization of gun debate drowns out sober analysis


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Feminization of gun debate drowns out sober analysis
By Michelle Malkin (December 28, 2000)

[CAPITALISMMAGAZINE.COM] WHEN IT COMES to talking about guns, responsible women should adopt Johnson & Johnson's Baby Shampoo pledge: No more tears.

No more mom-in-tennis-shoes proselytizing. No more irrational NRA-bashing. No more maudlin sermons. Alas, the sopping feminization of political debate continues to drown out sober analysis of gun-control laws. In the wake of the Los Angeles-area day care shooting, earlier this year, serious academic research is once again taking a back seat to sensational self-flagellation.

My favorite anti-gun manifesto was published last year in the Seattle Times following the Springfield, Ore. school shooting.
The headline: "Where is our indignation at this senseless carnage?" The letter writer, political neophyte Heidi Behrens-Benedict, was quickly
anointed the Democratic Party's challenger to GOP Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn. Dunn pummeled Behrens-Benedict in last fall's general

"We need gun control," Behrens-Benedict moaned. "Our children are being murdered. We need righteous indignation, directed fury. . . . I
urge you to write to your elected officials and require them, as a condition of your vote, to reject the NRA and adopt a national policy on gun
control." Behrens-Benedict also bewailed opposition to "modest" measures "such as requiring the sale of trigger locks with each gun sold."

What Behrens-Benedict didn't mention was that the defeat of just such a measure in Washington state in 1997 came at the hands of a
whopping 71 percent of voters. Despite the overwhelming rejection of mandatory trigger locks by progressive voters in Washington state,
Congress is once again considering this costly and ineffective proposal.

Behrens-Benedict paints Second Amendment defenders as right-wing gun nuts out of touch with women and estranged from reality. But the
numbers speak for themselves: Between 1988 and 1996, gun ownership by women nationwide skyrocketed by over 70 percent. January 1996
data from the state Department of Licensing Firearms Unit show that 18.6 percent of all concealed-handgun permit holders (past and
present) in Washington are women. That's 118,728 pistol-packing moms, daughters and grandmas from Seattle to Spokane.

And you can bet your waterproof mascara that they are not all NRA-backed Republicans.

University of Chicago Professor John Lott notes in his book, More Guns, Less Crime : Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws that
"almost one in four voters who identify themselves as liberals and almost one in three Democrats own a gun." Among those who own
concealed-weapons permits are liberal Hollywood celebrities such as Cybill Shepherd and Bill Cosby; left-leaning media tycoons such as Arthur
O. Sulzberger, chairman of the New York Times, and staunch Democratic feminists such as U.S. Sen. Diane Feinstein of California.

Gun-control advocates preach that more restrictions on handgun ownership are the key to reducing violent crime. But Lott's exhaustive and
groundbreaking analysis of nationwide data demonstrates otherwise. After analyzing FBI crime records from every county in the U.S. over a
19-year period, Lott and a research partner found that the more people who obtained concealed-weapons permits under "shall-issue" laws,
the more violent crime declined. Thirty-one states have now passed such laws allowing law-abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons;
Washington's has been on the books since 1961.

The longer such laws are in place in a state, Lott concluded, the more effective they are. In the period studied, for every five years a
shall-issue law was in place, murder rates dropped by at least 15 percent, robberies by 11 percent and rapes by 9 percent. The benefits of
concealed-carry laws for women are especially striking. According to Lott's research, one additional woman carrying a concealed handgun
reduces the murder rate for women by about three to four times more than one additional man carrying a concealed handgun reduces the
murder rate for men.

Lott's work has been met with the usual response: empty, shrieking hysteria. Media hounds immediately lambasted Lott's statistical methods
as "flawed" - without ever having read the study. Gun-control advocates refused to debate him in public, then smeared him with false
accusations about his research affiliations.

Yet, far from the soap-opera stage of popular debate, Lott's scholarly critics acknowledge that his research is a valuable contribution to the
academic literature. Lott has published more than 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals. His book provides a brief primer on statistics and
multiple regression analysis. Unlike gun-control ideologues, he responds extensively to opponents' arguments and makes his data available
to anyone who asks.

Unfortunately, the chasm between solid academic research and squishy political rhetoric is enormous. Americans have become numb to
numbers. In our Oprah-fied culture, overwrought women such as Heidi Behrens-Benedict are deified while accomplished scholars such as
John Lott are demonized. The question is no longer "Which policy will save the largest number of lives?" but "Who can shed the most tears?"

Therein lies the real tragedy: Instead of arming the nation's youth with the intellectual tools they need to pursue the truth, we are teaching
them to deal with crucial public policy problems by burying their heads at the bottom of a Kleenex tissue box.

American women are smarter than this ...

.... but, they have allowed themselves, in numbers too great, to be respresented by such airheads.

I believe that women will largely reject the illogic of disarming themselves in the presence of violent criminals. However, it will take time, diplomatic discussion and honest conversions. Mothers Arms ( http://www.mothersarms.org ) is one group that is attempting to reach misguided women, one woman at a time.

Please consider helping MA ... they need your support.

Regards from AZ
I must disagree. Women and minorities have been conditiond by 40 years of propaganda into being victims. This enables them to receive "public support", via either the legal system or entitlements.

And you can't have good victims without the tears, now can you...?
Yes !

Michelle Malkin is dynamite ! I hadn't read her column this week yet. She has written on this topic several time sin the past, she is a true believer.

Go see her archives (and lots of other conservative columnists) at jewishworldreview.com . Great stuff !
I am continually amazed at how may women are at ranges shooting handguns. Maybe I frequent a range and shop that caters to women, which it does, but it is still interesting to see the number of women in the shop purchasing guns and using the facilities.

Long live armed women!
I must disagree. Women and minorities have been conditiond by 40 years of propaganda into being victims. This enables them to receive "public support", via either the legal system or entitlements.

Thank you Dennis a ray of common sense, public schools
have all but killed off what we know as america.!!!
I'm sure you all realize that there are some of us out here who have escaped "conditioning". As one such woman I have to state that the victim mentality pisses me off. That being the case I would like to offer my thoughts to the gentlemen present as to how you can persuade a woman to stop being a victim.

1. Speak to her as though she is rational even when she isn't (and before I get flak for that statement, some women are not rational, or they wouldn't believe in gun control.)

2. Speak to her as an equal (which she most certainly is).

3. If you can convince her to go to the range, which may take time so be patient, take her to one that is free of men with bad cases of testosterone overload. I guarantee that it will only help your case if she sees other women at the range.

I know most of you already do this, so this message is for the 1% of you that didn't already know. :)