Female ccw holder defends successfully

Akron, not that far from Canton, where the cops and the DA appear ballistic about guns. Hopefully in Akron, they don't get so twisted up about it.
Lt. Edwards said Bennett used the gun appropriately for exactly the reason people get concealed carry permits.

Bennett says she hopes her experience shows other women they can protect themselves if they need to.

"Before it happened, if somebody would have said, 'If somebody would attack you, what would you do?' I would probably flip out like normal women would ... but I didn't."

"I hope that other women can look at this and realize from it that they can protect themselves--that it's a very good thing to be able to protect yourself."

These are the kind a accounts we need, as gun owners, to get the MSM to report. This woman did exactly what she had to do to protect herself and without a gun that wouldn't have happened.

I think we'll be OK as gun owners.

While I'm happy for the citizen, I am disappointed that the offender was not killed in the process.

Apparently the offender had already been convicted for some type of sexual crime, and will undoubtedly serve his time for this offense, IF convicted mind you, and will return to society once again to prey on another innocent citizen.
Good that she was able to protect herself.

Still, anyone else cringe when she pointed the gun at herself while showing it off? :eek:
right on and a very good job by the woman

While I'm happy for the citizen, I am disappointed that the offender was not killed in the process.

Apparently the offender had already been convicted for some type of sexual crime, and will undoubtedly serve his time for this offense, IF convicted mind you, and will return to society once again to prey on another innocent citizen.

Not only that "Team", he had a warrant for not registering as a sex offender, escape, and something else I believe. He is lucky she didn't help him cross over, but she did help him to a correctional institution. I for one am not buying the cali/car story. His actions with this woman proved that to me.
A++ for her.

Imagine that!! A news story about a legally armed citizen using a handgun to defend herself from a violent, probably sexually motivated, attack.

OOPS, looks like the PC anti-gun gang let this one slip through the cracks a bit.
Good for her and her attacker is behind bars. I hope he stays there a long time.

I hope she gets a holster to carry on her body and learns some situational awareness.

Without knowing all the circumstances I say this may have been an avoidable situation.
quote:Without knowing all the circumstances I say this may have been an avoidable situation.

avoidable yes but what about the next victim.... he is off the street now and I am sure that she will be more aware now
Without knowing all the circumstances I say this may have been an avoidable situation.

Of course, everything is avoidable.................if we choose to live in a bubble.

No one can avoid every situation. What do you expect the lady to do, draw down on everyone who ask her for directions or the time of day, or for a light......come on be real.

She walked away, she didn't have to live with the thought of having killed or injured someone. The bandit was caught. What more can you ask, excluding asking her to live in a bubble. She use her pistol to end the situation AND NO ONE WAS HURT.

It could have been worse sure, every incident 'could have been worse".

To those who say "she should have killed the guy" I contend you've never shot anyone. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. That would have haunted that lady for every, regardless of what we think of the bandit.

Sure I'll do what ever possible to protect my girls, (wife, daughter, grand daughter) but I sure as heck don't want to.
I'd wish those Liberal anti-gun folk would know about what happened with her....But then again they always have a counter rebudle.
Still, anyone else cringe when she pointed the gun at herself while showing it off?

Not at all, just like I don't cringe when I walk in front of my car when it's not running.

She had control of the gun, and her finger was not on the trigger.

I am actually much more concerned about the shot she fired up into the air. That was actually much more dangerous than her briefly pointing the gun at her leg while trying to find a safe direction to point it, in the close confines of that filmed interview. Something to think about is that there is often NO safe direction to point a gun. You have to be willing to accept some level of risk if you are ever going to load a gun, but work to minimize and mitigate that risk.
To those who say "she should have killed the guy" I contend you've never shot anyone.

I have. However, that has no bearing on my opinion that our society would be better off without the attacker. I would have felt the same way before Just Cause 89', and the rotating OEF/OIF deployment circus. There are some folks who get all choked up about vermin, others don't. I consider those who prey on our fellow citizens little more than human vermin, always have, always will.

I base my opinion on the fact that violent felons are rarely, if ever, "rehabilitated" upon release from prison. I believe that society, as a whole, is better served when these violent felons are killed outright, especially at the scene while attempting to conduct their unlawful violent acts.

Everybody makes mistakes, however, there are certain mistakes that are simply unacceptable IMO. Had this particular attacker been killed, like the rabid dog he apparently is, the FIRST time he chose to victimize a citizen, the lady in question would never have been attacked. Instead, he was allowed to live and granted freedom to prey on other citizens....again.
Re the shot into the air, I contend that she did the right thing under the circumstances. She could not bring the gun to bear on the criminal, he was winning the physical struggle, and she had a very limited time in which to do something to change the game. So she made a very big noise that brought other people over to help solve the situation.

Just like the woman who shot the kidnapper's leg while he held her baby in its stroller at chest height, this woman took an unconventional shot that -- here's the key! -- did what she needed it to do.

Yes, from a visceral, emotional perspective it's always nice when the bad guy "gets what's coming to him" and we don't have to spend tax dollars on convicting, housing and feeding him. But from a practical and immediate perspective, she did the only thing she could do and it turned out well.

... and learns some situational awareness.

Without knowing all the circumstances I say this may have been an avoidable situation.

Before you go too far down that road, check out this older thread: http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=400992

While I'm happy for the citizen, I am disappointed that the offender was not killed in the process.

As a believer in rehabilitation through reincarnation, I concur. Still, it is better she was able to scare him off than suffer greater harm. At least he is not a threat to other women.
Chalk one up for the good guys it sounds like. I wonder if we will hear NOW speak out about how guns protect women...doubt it though.